Avatar of Ganryu
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ganryu
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    1. Ganryu 10 yrs ago


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Nayeli ZyanyaTezcatlipoca's Wrath

Well, this took a while.

Que oonda?
Here I am
Ai Kabe - Hidden Stone


As Ai made her way through the buildings towards Koma's position, she suddenly cursed, and ducked behind a building. Another clone stood on a rooftop; or was it the original? Either way, it complicated things. Ai took a breath. She had confidence in Koma. She was a Jonin. So was Ai. The rank was a show of faith by their leader. Ai wasn't going to betray that. In a sense, she was still in debt to the Tsuchikage.

Ai sighed, and cracked her neck. On one hand, all this business of getting stronger, of prestige, and proving yourself had absolutely zero interest for her. On the other hand, Ai HATED debt. She just wanted to live how she wanted. She just couldn't if she felt indebted. She had to pay something back to the Tsuchikage. Ai gulped, now as mentally prepared as she was going to get.

Walking out, she eyed the other enemy on the rooftops, and brandished a card as a threat. Barrier cards still orbited the jonin protectively. Ai would prefer to get the jump on him, but wasn't stupid enough to try when she knew she'd been seen.

"Fighting's not exactly my favorite thing in the world; but I still have to answer the prayer of protection. Would you consider retreating?"

Ai moved, body flickering towards him, trying to slap a seal on his chest.

Kaito Chosokabe - Hidden Rain

Kaito wasn't exactly surprised to be found so quickly, those eyes were the bane of Kaito's existence. Still, it wasn't like they would be a problem for too long. Problems were meant to be solved.

"Waste your time? I'm assuming you mean the few weeks to recover once I've broken the other arm? That'd certainly be time wasted, hehehe." Afterall, a jutsu will never work on me twice. "But no, I'm not here for that. I suppose I could join you, though to be honest, I'm here to make sure you lot don't start anything in the village, and because I'm curious. Well then, let's fill my curiosity."

Without waiting a second confirmation, Kaito walked with the group. He tapped his chin.

"Of course, being found taking my own orders could be nasty. I hear the Hyuga wasn't the only failure on the road to Jonin, someone in the Rain also didn't make it. Well, let's try this instead."

A handsign later and he ever so slightly changed his appearance with a transformation jutsu. He'd become a few inches taller, a bit more muscular, and his headband now appeared to belong to the Leaf.

He hurried along with the group towards Kai, and towards Havoc. He surprisingly kept his quips to a minimum and really did seem more interested in observing than making a nuisance of himself. Nousagi was an easy read, so Kaito looked back and forth between his teammates, mostly curious at their reaction his sudden joining, if they had questions, or were they aggravated. The longer they went, the more his attention would shift to Tashiro. The interesting one.
Kaito Chosokabe - Hidden Rain Village

With a groan, Kaito finally removed the rumble atop of him. He'd waited for the Leaf nin to leave. He remembered the Shinra Tensei then blackness. Geez, was that the 'enemy nin' going easy.

Checking himself for wounds, he approached his glorious leader, Yogensha.

"Milady, hopefully I understood your intentions there. Made myself look like an idiot, but didn't really attack him in earnest. Afterall, we wouldn't want our guest hurt. I assume you'll want me to chase after them? On one hand, they'd probably easy see me with that infernal eye of theirs. On the other hand, who cares? I live here, its a free village, isn't it? Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume orders here. I'll report back anything I see. Is there anything else I might do?"

Listening for further instructions with a bow, Kaito would then limp off in the direction he'd seen the group go. The bright side was this was his village. Home terrain meant even someone slow could catch up to the likes of them. And the group setting meant they were only as fast as their slowest. Kaito gave one last smirk to his leader before heading off, towards the aforementioned cave. Despite the rain stopping, Kaito didn't remove his hood. It was a proud symbol of who he was, and he was home, so why should he? In all honesty, he was a little irked the rain had stopped. Assuming he was ahead of them, he stopped by the gate to wait for them to pass. He stopped at a fruit stand, pretending to be interested. Once the Leaf nin passed, Kaito would start tailing them once again.


Ai Kabe

@Glitchybugger @ZeroXposure
Well, the storm of projectiles made the battle easy to find. Ai reformed from paper atop a building for a second to analyze it. It seemed Koma was at a disadvantage here. Considering this man's colleagues had been trying to destroy the entire village, she shouldn't be surprised. Infact, Ai was more impressed by the fact Koma was keeping up so well. Was it a clone? Was Koma that strong? Were the invader's weaker than they thought? Ai didn't know the answer and that made it interesting.

"Huh, this is great to watch. Almost sad I have to join in, but I owe the Tsuchikage, so I guess I'll have to work in debt, not in wants."

She drew a handful of barrier tags, and spread them across her. They activated small square shields of chakra, and began to rotate around her, protecting her 360 degrees, though not from above or below. She'd need some protection if she was going to enter a battle of projectiles.

Ama-no-Iwato: Yao-yorozu's Party

Ai then entered the battleground, charging at the enemy nin, drawing two tags that read 'slow'. Ai zigzagged from building to building at him. (At Sebun, Ai doesn't know his name, so....)

Illea Sirani
Age: 10/400 years(reasons)
Gender: Female
Number: Tercera
Tattoo: Right Elbow
Accessories: Doll- (which is her sword sheathe)

Aspect of Death: Disease
Mask: Wrapped around her head, looking very much like a bandage above her forehead.

Zanpakutō Name: Polilla Vampira
Zanpakutō Appearance:

General Abilities:

*Low Stamina- Part of her power, Illea is always sick, and is not able to keep going forever because of it, she tires out quickly, and needs a nap regularly.

*Low Physical Strength- Illea's strength is barely comparable to even an average hollow.

*Low Hierro- Among the Espada, Illea's Hierro is considered horrible. She is barely able to block more than hot sand with it.

*Poor Swordsman- So much so, Illea only bothers pulling out her sword when releasing.
*High Intelligene- Despite having a kid's body, and acting like one, Illea has many years of experience in Hueco Mundo, and has had to learn to fight more intelligently just to survive, or fight with her hollow friends without killing them (many failed attempts)

*Immense Reitsu- Being the Tercera Espada, Illea's reitsu is absolutely beastly. Illea's reitsu is strong enough in burst to stun most enemies not stronger than her. Releasing in a pulse, Illea is able to make those around her feel ill for a few seconds.

*Extreme Regeneration- Nearly all of Illea's Reiryoku is spent towards her regeneration, giving her her rank among the Espada. In a given fight, she can recover from 3 fatal blows, 1 complete regeneration, and can regrow limbs. Illea's only real weak points are her hollow hole and her mask. Due to her powers, she needs constant regeneration to stay alive, which is how it has evolved to be as strong as it is.

Her constant regeneration, and her longing to be a kid with friends together won't let her age, physically, stopping her from growing up. Even if her soul gets older, her spirit body forces itself to heal if it thinks it is aging.

General Note: Regeneration in general doesn't like Bakudo... or being crucified. Just a tip. Character is hard to kill, but not to stop.

*Pesquisa Expert- While no master at the skill, Illea is able to use it in a general sense to find where strong Reiatsu is, though she cannot measure Reiryoku with it.

*Cero- Illea's cero is a sickly yellowish green.

*Gran Rey Cero Master- As bleeding is needed for most of Illea's attacks, she prefers these to regular ceros. She is able to create these quickly (lots of practice), and is talented at using them to corner her opponents

*Descorrer Master- Illea is well versed at using Descorrer, able to use them in many ways, detailed below.

*Sonido Expert- While no means the fastest, Illea is competent enough at Sonido to keep up with most other Espada. Illea normally uses Sonido in bursts, staying in one spot for several moments before continuing.

Unique Abilities:

Sangre de la Leprosa(Blood of the Leper)- A constant ability of Illea, her body is constantly riddled by disease, that eats away at her. The disease eats at the muscles, and causes fatigue, only barely overcome by her regeneration. Illea has learned to weaponize her blood however. Contact with her blood causes one to suffer the same disease, without her healing factor. It will start to eat away at the contact point, and will cause an intense fatigue. Low doses are not fatal however.

Viana de Polilla (Sheath of Polilla)- The sheath for Polilla Vampira is actually the doll Illea is constantly hugging. The doll is unique in that the mouth contains a constant Garganta, with Illea's sword stored inside. Whenever Illea draws her sword, the doll disappears. Illea can also expand this Garganta more easily (and faster) than opening a new one if she should need to travel through it, or find another use for it.

Caminante del Vacío(Walker of the Void)- Using a considerable force, Illea is able to rip open a much larger and longer lasting Garganta than with Descorrer. Illea is able to open it to the size of a Menos Grande, and have it last weeks.

Muerte por el Muerto(Death by the Dead)- A final gambit attack, Illea swallows a Gran Rey Cero, building it inside her until her stomach literally explodes, releasing blood and disease all around the area with the cero. Of course, this attack incapicitates Illea, no matter how good her healing is, for at least a week.

Arroyo de Cero (Stream of Cero)- Rather than firing a single blast as a cero, Illea releases a constant stream from a single cero, to wear down defenses, and break her opponents.

Resurrección Appearance: Illea's most shocking change is the constant blood that comes from all over her body, turning her a dark crimson. Illea gains a fur collar around her neck, like that of a moths. She also gains a set of moth wings.

Resurrección Release Command: Ahogar, Polilla Vampira.

Illea literally eats her sword, crunching through it in a matter of bites. Illea will then start coughing up blood, with blood dripping down her whole body as she releases. She almost drowns on blood during this, choking on it.

Ressurrección Abilities: The wings themselves create a powder that Illea can spread through the area. The powder carries her blood in a light crimson mist, that contaminate on contact

Fonte Sangriento(Bloody Font)- The constant blood streaming off Illea creates a constant pool around her.

Veinto(Breeze)- A strong flap of Illea's wings creates a blast of wind to knock back opponents.

Cero de la Niebla (cero of the mist)- Kicking up a powder storm with her wings, Illea then fires a cero hidden inside the cloud at an opponent. The Cero will carry the powder it.

Personality: Illea is a lonely girl who never really had the chance to be a kid like she wanted. She was sick as a human, and lethal as a hollow. Even now with the body of a girl, she knows she isn't anymore. She is wants to try and give it one more shot though. Illea tries her best to get along with the other Espada, and whenever she is well enough, she is trying to hangout with them, or be sickeningly nice to them. Her niceness doesn't extend to Soul Reapers, as he only remembers them as the scary people with swords who tried to kill her. Despite her love of 'play', if anyone agrees to it, she doesn't know what to do.

Despite acting like a child, Illea is wiser than she lets on. She had to be to survive in Hueco Mundo for centuries. She knows conflict only ends with people getting hurt, and avoids it because of that, and tries to get others to avoid it as well. Even if other hollows treat her badly, its better than them dying around her, or at least, she wants to give it a try.

History: As a human, Illea was a sickly child, who at a young age picked up leprosy. She was exiled from her home, and forced to live in a Leper Colony. She cried often, and missed her parents, but grew sicker and sicker. The only thing she had that kept her going was the friends she slowly started to gain... but she always lost them. The sickness of the camp made the entire place sick to the very soul, only the children had a fleeting joy in eachother. Eventually she grew too weak to even play with her friends, and passed away, asking to play with her friends one last time. Even in death, she refused wanting to play, and her soul wouldn't given up, eventually corrupting into a hollow. Her 'play' turned the entire camp into hollows as well, on earth. Eventually it became a feeding frenzy, and Illea, the one who only wanted to play, was left as the only hollow, being the strongest. Before a shinigami could stop her, she had become a Menos, made entirely of the sick, whose sickness ran to the very soul.

The sick Menos though still wanted to play with its friends, even though it couldn't find them. She kept looking, even while being targeted by shinigami. Lack of control meant they were to be consumed to, becoming an Adjucha. Regaining her consciousness, Illea finally realized she was never going to find them. In despair, she retreated to Hueco Mundo, drawn by the hollowness of it all. Illea's body began to break down, the sick souls that comprised it wearing her down. Nothing would soothe the pain that came with it, and Illea could feel herself dying. In despair, she even hunted other hollows, becoming Vasto Lorde. Nothing helped. Making her way to a rare Oasis, Illea looked at her reflection. Near death, she wanted to see herself one last time, and removed her mask. At this time, her regeneration kicked in, and her own power managed to push the sickness back. Illea had became who she is now. She wandered the desert for centuries, looking for friends, finding them, and watching them die of the sickness she had.

After a while, Illea had learned to control it, but had grown tired of finding new friends only for them to die, and so she played alone, with her zanpakuto becoming her only friend as a doll. She was empty, but at least she wasn't sad. It was in the wastelands that she was found and invited to the Espada. Reluctant, she knew somewhere that maybe that friends she wouldn't lose, and so the young girl accepted.

*Offscreen, she's probably in bed.
Kaito Chosokabe

@Syn @Odin @Write
Kaito's smirk continued throughout the conversation. It was getting interesting. He wondered what allowed his leader to speak so freely about the orphanage. It wasn't like her to give out information for free. Everything had a price, and ever transaction made her richer in some respect. It was honestly a side of her Kaito had made note to emulate when he was the Amekage. Honeyed words didn't have to use chakra, it just had to know to twist words correctly. However, he was only beginning to understand anything after all this time, her methods still sometimes an enigma. Such as her so brazenly using her six arms right after apologizing. She was on a different level than him and Sayuri, but it would be rude not to follow. Well, he could take a hint on the fight.

I see, we're to put on a show. Ugh, a shadow blade isn't very interesting to watch, but I'll try my best to be flashy.

Kaito did a series of handsigns as his mistress attacked. He would follow. He appeared around Havoc, wherever he was, a knife drawn around his throat.


The real Kaito rushed forward, his blade manifesting a rather large amount of chakra, and he locked eyes with Havoc, his smirk the same as it had been a few seconds ago.

"How's my blade?" His voice sounded from both behind and infront of the man.

He slashed at Havoc straight on. It would likely be extremely strange to Sayuri, as Kaito was a man of the shadows.

Ai Kabe

Ai listened on the radio of the attacks on the civilians, and gripped her fist. Who would want to attack civilians? It gave little profit, and made you a huge target. And it was wrong. It was situations like these that had made her return to being a ninja.

She replied to Koma.

"Roger. Coming shortly, sealing off route B."

Ai looked at the lower ninja around her; it was weird to think of herself as high ranked.

"You guys can take care of this? Seal off the cavern as soon as I'm gone. Best way to save lives right now is to avoid combat. Well, I'm off to not do that. Good luck."

In a handsign, she exploded into paper, and traveled off, headed towards Koma. While speed was Ai's pride, it would still take a moment or two. She heard a blast behind her as the ninja followed instruction, using jutsu and tags to close the entrance to the tunnel. She hoped Ayame and Aito were doing alright.
I gotta ask the GM's. This S-ranked bullshit going to keep going? I really don't care who has the biggest dick, or antivillage jutsu. I just want to play my characters and see other interesting characters.

I mean, if the current is the plan, I'd just like to know so I don't waste anyone's time. I do like Havoc's interaction in the Rain, but otherwise its just the same old "FEAR MY WANG JUTSU".
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