Avatar of Invader Len
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Invader Len
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 760 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Invader Len 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Wow it's been a long while since I was last on. I'm gonna have to update a lot of stuff.
6 yrs ago
Lifetip: Don't forget to eat for 2 days, then drink 44 oz of coke at the movies. I don't feel too good, Mr. Stark.
6 yrs ago
Finally finished editing that transcript. At this point the only person I'm rooting for in this case is the judge.
6 yrs ago
"Boy I sure am feeling harassed after I bullied someone else and people pointed it out to me"
6 yrs ago
"A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making the truth itself appear like falsehood." - William Shenstone


I'm a 24 year old college student with a "tragic past" and a series of flunked schools and medical bills. Roleplaying has been my one escape from a harsh reality while growing up, and I really appreciate this site and everyone on it.

I've been on Roleplayer Guild for eight years, going on nine in a few months.

I started roleplaying at 13 on an Invader Zim fan site... I accept my shame and disgrace.

Most Recent Posts

Got a post up! I hope I got the foxes and letter and portal thing right. If not, I'm happy to edit it! I didn't know what to put in the letter so I just winged it. ^^;

Depleted. Drained. Worn Out. Wearied. Dead. How bemusing was it that one of the synonyms for exhausted was dead? He certainly felt dead. Who knew traveling on foot was so difficult? He'd been out of Mizora for a week now and only just made it past the border and to his first human village. He'd eaten through all the food he'd packed with him already, and his attempts at hunting had only turned up a few lizards and a bird nest. All of which tasted horrible when set on fire.

He had known that it wasn't going to be easy, this quest for knowledge, but he hadn't expected it to be so very uncomfortable! The air at night was cold, the rain was wet AND cold, there were far too many insects to convince him he wasn't really dead and in hell, and at one point a bird had defecated on his cloak. The roads were muddy and slippery, things smelled awful, and he hadn't even met anyone to talk to until the village. Traveling, he learned, was exceedingly boring work after the first 4-5 hours.

But now he was in a village! A real human village! Full of real, living, breathing humans! He'd never seen real humans outside of picture books or meat markets, where they were more likely than not in... pieces. But no, these ones were intact! And from his way to the edge of town to the shabby tavern and inn, quite skittish. The guard at the bridge paled and hid when the wind blew his hood back. Perhaps he was shy? Interesting, but not enough so to deter the exhausted Rakshasa from seeking out a soft bed and hot meal.

He'd found the tavern quickly enough, and a few pieces of gold were all it took to get a room and a bowl of soup and half a loaf of bread. It was hardly a feast, but after scorched lizards and eggshells (How was he supposed to know you had to peel the eggs first??), it was enough. Afterwards, he'd fallen deeply asleep on the first bed he'd had in a week, only to be awoken by the faint scent of melons.

Blearily opening his eyes, he took in the room around him. He'd slept so long the sun was now awake, as evidenced by the bright beams trickling between the cracks in the curtains. His wet clothes had dried, tomes and staff on the floor beside his low cot, and there was a black fox staring him in the face.

Ithiel blinked hard. Yes, that was most definitely a fox. Albeit... quite different from the red or mottled ones he'd spied in the woods. It almost didn't seem quite real, as if conjured by his own imagination, but nope. It was there. Curious, he reached out a hand to pet it, touching its head gently. It didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed quite pleased, dropping the small envelope in its mouth to give a big happy pant of enthusiasm. Huh, how come he hadn't noticed the letter? Clearly he was still tired.

Picking up the letter, Ithiel sat upright on the bed, examining it as he started getting dressed. It had his name on it. Strange, he couldn't remember telling the tavern keeper his name, or rather anyone since he left Mizora. He'd heard humans used birds to send messages to one another, perhaps one of his friends or family had sent him a letter? He turned to the fox, wondering if perhaps it had any answers.
"Did my family send you? Jahaziel, perhaps? Or Asher? Couldn't be Mary, she'd be happy I'm gone. Mom or dad, maybe?" he asked. The fox had no answers, instead hopping onto the still-warm spot he'd been sleeping in, and curled up in it. Well, he probably should have expected that.

Turning his attention back to the letter, he tore open the seal, reading its contents.
"Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health, blah blah blabbity blah... Castle Havoc? Never heard of that place. But, if it's a castle it has to be better than here, right? Claudius... Maybe a human monarch or something..." he paused, turning and looking back to the fox. Did human kings employ strange foxes?
"Well, I don't see why not. They've already gone through the trouble of inviting me. It would be terribly rude not to at least show up."

Making his decision, he fastened his cloak and pack, grabbing all that he owned, before turning back to the sleepy animal.
"Alright, I'm ready to go. Now, what to do with you... I suppose I could just follow you back to your home, logically that would be the residence of the sender of this letter. Alright, little fox-thing, let's go. We probably have a lot of walking to do, don't we?" he asked, not expecting a response. As if understanding him, the fox stood up, hopped from the bed, and uttered a small, high-pitched howl. And then the unthinkable happened.

Some... Thing appeared! Right there, in the middle of the room! A black vortex, woven from shadows, the size of a door yet impossibly thin! Ithiel staggered back in an undignified manner, letting out a surprised squeak. A portal! Oh gods, this wasn't like the one in the sky was it? He fumbled for his staff, bracing himself for a abysmal monster to come crawling out of it... But nothing. It was quiet. The world was quiet. The fox looked at him curiously, then walked right on through, melting into the blackness.

Ithiel took his time getting up, his heart beating much faster than he'd like. This... Was this how he was expected to travel? Step into the gaping maw of darkness? What if it was an elaborate trap? A ruse? What if there was nothing on the other side and he was trapped in a world of pitch black void? The thought was daunting, to say the least, but... What if there was something? Whoever had sent him the letter could have killed him in his sleep, but didn't. And, though the portal before him was certainly... Unnerving... He'd be a liar if he said he wasn't in the least bit interested in what was beyond it.

"Well... It beats walking." he muttered to himself, steeling his nerves and stepping through into the unknown.

@VerusEbullio Alright, thank you! I'll move my CS over to the character tab then! :D

Here we go! Let me know if there's anything that needs to change!
@VerusEbullio Alright, will do! I'll have my CS up later today!
@VerusEbullio Ah, thank you. I didn't have anything really divine or god-like in mind for a Rakshasa character. In mythical texts the more powerful ones can be like demi-gods, but culturally they're more like forest ogres with magical abilities that can use illusions to give the appearance of shapeshifting.

I was interested in making one as a mage-like character relying on tomes and staves and such to cast spells. I was imagining my character relying largely on illusion magic with one combative type of magic that they are relatively proficient with. I largely was interested in them for aesthetic and cultural purposes but I thought they might be less OP than a tiefling-like character.

If it would do any help, I could PM you about parameters I'd have in mind for them? They're really just kinda like forest-dwelling orcs that figured out how to use magic. Like, as a tool to better lure in people to eat and wage war and stuff. Fun magic.
This seems really cool. @VerusEbullio A question about races, is this limited to western fantasy races only or would something like a Rakshasa/Asura/Deva/Yaksha be permissible?
I think you're acting really childishly entitled. You aren't owed anyone's attention or participation. And throwing a tantrum on a public forum over feeling neglected is only going to make people avoid you. People have pointed out to you the things you need to fix, but instead of taking their criticisms and advice to heart, you're dragging other people into the spotlight to shame them and bemoaning how no one replies to you.

So here's your reply. Suck it up. Not everything is going to go your way all the time, and taking your anger and frustration out on other people is incredibly immature and toxic behavior. Would you want to RP with someone who is passive aggressive, whines about how no one pays attention to them, and publicly shames their past partners for not living up to their standards? I sure wouldn't, so you think long and hard about how your behavior on a public forum reflects on your character as a person.

As Peridot and others have said, the problem is you. Your RPs are very niche and aren't going to attract a lot of people who aren't interested in them. That's just a fact. You also take the main character/most powerful role available for yourself, leaving everyone else to merely occupy side roles created only to support you. That's not going to net you a lot of players or partners. Try to take the perspective of an outsider, looking at an RP where they'd be stuck in a lesser role. Not super interesting or motivating.

Your next problem is where you're placing your RPs. You keep putting them in Advanced/Casual when they should be in Free. You're going to get a lot more people interested in free, because free is where a lot more people float around and hang out. People in Advanced/Casual are looking for more fleshed out plots, worldbuilding, and more direction from the GM. Replies are also going to take a much longer time, because of the scale of how much different people write. Some people write replies ever week, some every three weeks. If you want faster replies, you're better off going to a Free section anyways, as that seems to be where your writing level is at.

Finally, just stop bumping and blaming the world whenever someone drops or you don't get the interest you want. You come off as bitter and hostile, and a lot of people are put off by the pressure of having someone constantly bump them. Stop blaming others and take some responsibility for your own actions. And do not @ your past partners as examples of how they've wronged you, because more people will avoid you in fear of becoming the next person you drag out to the stockades.
Stuff like that happens man. Sometimes people drop. Sorry you got ghosted but blaming everyone doesn't really help your problems. And calling out specific people for it is kind of a mean thing to do. :/ Like, you don't know what happens with other players. Sometimes, life is too much trouble. Sometimes they lose interest. Hanging onto that kind of bitterness only harms you in the long run.
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