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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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I'm almost done with my CS. The only things left are some minor touch-ups in the Other Details, as well as deciding on her ULTIMATE SIGNATURE ATTACK, and if I want a magic weapon/tool or not. Oh, and I guess her transformed name as well.
Anyway, here's what I've got so far:


Oh hey, nice, tall boing mommy to my midget flat shorty.

I have a couple ideas:
- Ultimate Move: I still unironically think a Final Spark that deals damage in all three elements + force will be dope on her.
- Transformed Name: I suggest 'Vermata', a corruption of 'Permata', which means gemstone in Indonesian.

Same energy:

I keep flipping back to page 2 and stare at @shagranoz's CS, waiting for that delicious, delicious magical-section reveal... :E

Their CS is pretty much done since an hour ago tho?
Out of everyone that you had to fear copyright lawsuits from, ZUN is definitely at the bottom of the list. Gigachad ZUN is the exact opposite of Disney and Nintendo. :)
@Izurich Thanks for the feedback'n support. :)
It's not so much that it's hard to come up with powers and effects for the jewel-mancy thingy thoug. At least not for the lower and mid powers. The signature move is a bit trickier though. Because how do you make throwing gems that explode or do other stuff into an ultimate attack?

"Take this! My Soccer Stadium-sized Lapis Lazuli! HRAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

She can gather all seven-colored gems to spin in a circular pattern in front of her then do a Master Spark, or Final Spark since it's an ultimate move. 8D
Currently I'm toying with two main concepts for the character's powers. The first is a very basic and straightforward ice-oriented theme, using things like ice shards, beams/cones of cold, creating walls or clusters of crystalline sleet, etc. The other is a "gem" or "jewel" based theme, which works pretty much like how Rin Tohsaka in the Fate-series functions. She can conjure different types of precious stones - of differing sizes - and they each have their own corresponding effect when used. Like say, a ruby can cause an explosion or fire to be unleashed, while a topaz might cause electricity or lightning to shoot out.

One is decidely easier to make ideas and powers for, but the other is a bit more interesting and quirky than just "Ahaha~ I'm a snow fairy!".

Both sound interesting since we don't have any elemental-mancer yet in the cast (Unless you count 'Holy' as an element, then Emma got that down), but if I must pick one, the latter takes priority. An avatar-esque elemental jack of all trades sound fun, she has incredible versatility in exchange for raw potency when compared to specialists like the ice girl.

But if you get stuck, then there's no harm in throwing the towel and settle for something easier. After all, quirky and interesting mean nothing if you don't find the concept fun to play.

Let me rephrase:
I couldn't find somehting that would fit. Given my personal preferences of things that're on the risque side when it comes to attire, I found plenty of things I could've used, but given that I'm trying to stay tasteful and not make anythinng that would feel or look out of place, it's a lot tougher than usual.

As for what I'm looking for specifically, that's not easy to pin down.

I do not think we mind fanservice. It's part of the genre convention anyway.

For example, no one here minds your profile picture, and personally, I have used faceclaims with even more revealing outfits than your current avatar and I'm still here, not banned, not even warned.

Hope it helps, unless I'm misunderstanding something.
Working on my CS! It's about... 1/3 done I'd say.

Sorry, only just saw that the OOC was up. I'll be back later with a proper character concept but I like what I see so far!

Also, on that note, Imma go ahead and tag the people who have expressed interest in the check, but not here yet, just in case: @Xaltwind @Dragonfly 9
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