"Right, be back soon," Lorelei's voice went down an Octave with each word, the disappointment very clear in her voice. Then, quite suddenly, she straightened up, looking worried. "What? No, of course I want to! I-I'm always happy to see y-" She was silenced by the man on the other end, her body curling inward with each word. As the phone clicked off, she swallowed hard. Lorelei slowly put the phone back in her purse, fingers trembling. He was angry, really angry, and it sounded like he began early with the beers. She clenched her fist in worry, gnawing on the knuckle. [i]I should wait for him to calm down...oh, but he'll be so angry if I take any longer...[/i] Suddenly, she was aware of a presence behind her. She turned, wide-eyed, before giving another friendly smile. The performer had pushed himself out of the crowd of thankful townsfolk, looking to be adjusting that jacket of his. She shyly pulled the collar of her shirt closed, and eased herself forward. "Um, hi," she managed, voice sweet. "That song was sure something."