Yep, that should be fine. I suppose she'll be milling around in the group then, or perhaps doing a bit of work around them? Also: Image change for appearance was added. --- [hider=Gale][center][IMG][/IMG][/center][/hider] [center] Name: Gale Crain Age: Twenty-four Species: Human Position: Female Slave Personality: Being born to a poor family, Gale always knew that life wasn't going to be easy towards her. She had to grow up fast to take care of her sickly mother and careless siblings who always seemed to get into trouble, and this lead to her gaining a rather maternal aura. Mature, quiet, and polite around strangers (And her owners later on), but quick to lose her temper, Gale was feared around her small neighborhood due to her lengthy lectures and strong smacks which were given without remorse. Thanks to her strong sense of rights and stubbornness, Gale is known to fight for what she believes in, no matter the cost, and this lead to a few beatings her youth. Other then that, when she was younger and with her siblings, Gale was known to be mischievous, doing such tasks like pick-pocketing and shoplifting, and the skill of thieving still remains. Clever and quick-witted, her tongue is a vicious weapon she isn't afraid to use. She is surprisingly studious as well, having been taught to read by a book merchant who had felt pity for the poor girl (but was never taught to write, and even now she will sometimes have to sound out simple words to figure them out). After selling herself into slavery, Gale became much quieter, yet haughty, always muttering rude phrases under her breath when put to work on something rough, and due to this she has been sold around a lot to different Masters. Surprisingly, though, she is a hard worker, and thanks to her stubborn nature won't stop working until everything is one hundred percent complete. Thanks to years of being independent, she becomes uncomfortable when others try to take care of her, and will complain loudly if others are forced to tend to her needs. She will keep her problems to herself, not wanting others to worry, and will try her best to solve them herself. Finally, Gale is surprisingly unstable. Her temper is already so short and if pushed to the limit she will panic and become much more reckless. While she isn't bother by gore, someone dying before her eyes is definitely something that would set off a panic attack (which entails trouble breathing, trouble seeing and thinking clearly, and shakiness). Cynical, if there is anyone Gale trusts it's her family, and that's it. Becoming friends with this girl is pretty challenging, but if you manage to prove yourself she will begin to open up to you. (TL;DR: Haughty, independent, quiet around strangers and higher ups, studious, clever, stubborn, moody, unstable, motherly, cynical yet somewhat friendly [doesn't like to judge people on appearance but does so anyway], secretive) Looks: Tall, scrawny, and fairly dirty, Gale could be pretty if she cared about her looks. Her skin is rough and as tan as it can be, and her hands and feet are long and worn from endless years of work. Large blue eyes are set into a round, normally bored-looking face which is framed by pale blonde hair that is cropped short against her head. Covered with freckles. Normally wears a billowy white shirt and equally puffy pants given to her by a past owner. History: Gale was born into the Crain family one night during an awful storm. Wind rocked the tiny shack that sat, semi-safe, surrounded by the taller buildings of the village on the hill, and Lucia Crain, Gale's mother, sat in stunned silence as the typhoon whirled outside, threatening the lives of her, her husband, her two young children and her new unnamed baby. However, with great fear came inspiration, and the perfect name was formed after an hour of howling and rain pitter-pattering on the roof. Gale, meaning 'Sea Storm'. And so, she grew up to be a whirlwind of a person. From babysitting to thieving, Gale was something else, and that was well known around her neighborhood. She had plenty of friends (and enemies), and despite her latent kleptomania there were many adults who felt pity for the child. One particular person, a book merchant and poor scholar, took an hour out of every day to teach her how to read and lend her some colorful books. And Gale was truly happy, until another child was bore into the family. This child was a boy, named Luk, but after her was born Lucia took ill. Gale's older siblings, her sister Noa and brother Rubert, had no idea how to care for her or the new baby, and their father was too busy trying to keep them alive with dozens of poor-paying jobs, so Gale decided that she would care for her mother and brother. By the time she was thirteen, Gale was kept busy with feeding, studying, and making medicine for her mother while the rest of her family spent their time God knows where. She no longer had time for reading lessons, so she began to teach herself, studying from children books AND medical books she had managed to 'gather' from the town. The illness her mother had was apparently centered around her head and chest, leaving her delusional and breathless at all times. Gale had to keep calm while her mother spouted strange phrases and dreams, and whenever the two locked eyes Lucia would continually whisper 'Sea storm, sea storm'. This continued for three years until, one day, her father died in a workplace accident. Now with no income, Gale felt her hope begin to falter, and frustration set in as her mother grew sicker and sicker and her brother grew needier and needier, and one night, in a sudden fit of madness and sadness, Gale carved the words 'Sea Storm' into her bare thigh with a small dagger. Barely a month passed after her father's death, Gale sold herself into slavery for a pretty penny. Before being dragged off towards her new Master's house, she gave her siblings basic instructions on how to use the money and how to care for themselves and their mother, and they all gave tearful goodbyes as she was towed away by a tight hand. She went through Masters like a good book, her haughty personality and rude remarks always leading to her being sold once more. Where they lived: Ilitin. Poor. Skills: Pick-pocketing, housework (cooking, cleaning, babysitting, ect.), knowledge on herbs and medicines, and nursing. Reasons for joining the crew: "Well, apparently my new master is the captain, so I suppose I'm just forced into this situation." Extra details: Plenty of scars from past beatings, a circular burn mark on her lower back from a rather malicious Master, and a self-given scar dug into her upper-thigh that reads 'Sea Storm'. [/center]