[quote=Endless Echo] Well that is one reason why it's left rather vague; allowing for there to be a mix of choices within the matter, perhaps the story doesn't start that way - it just really depends how you would like to see the story start. - To which I would ask what you would like to see made of this plot idea?As for race, I am flexible with most any races you wish to introduce or add into the mix. [/quote] Hmmm... As in what am I looking for from it? More so then just a simple love story with a tale of betrayal weaved into it, I think it be rather nice to focus on the later part of the plot, focusing on the extent and consequences they're willing to do and face to achieve their goal, whether it be a shared one or individual ones; to test the limits and boundaries of how much they truly trust and want to be with their partner or if they're willing to destroy them as well in the end to get what they want.