Gunnar let out a hearty chuckle at Kynigos' words, "You'd be surprised what such tools can do woman, just watch.". As the gladiators encricled one another, the thracian lunged out with his sword, only to be forced back by the samnite who thrusted his weapon at the thracian. The thracian blocked with his shield, but was too naive to jump back as the samnite reared back the net and lashed out at the thracian's legs. Gunnar looked on with a smile as the net became tangled around the warrior's legs, sending him to the ground, "And now you'll see why that triton is much better than a short sword like a gladius.", the samnite circled around the thracian like a shark, making mock lunges with his weapon, forcing the thracian to choose between trying to free his legs, or lashing out with his much shorter weapon to defend himself. The samnite backed off, prompting the thracian to raise his weapon to cut free his legs, however he would never get the chance as the samnite slid his hand back on the pole of the weapon and thrust it into the thracian's back, puncturing lungs, tearing flesh,and smashing bones as its prongs punched through the man's torso. "You see now? Unless the thracian could get close to the samnite, his shorter ranged weapon would be useless, the samnite's goal meanwhile is to ensure that his opponent cannot reach that zone where his longer weapon would be useless, so the triton and net make an excellent combination to force back and ensnare his opponent before they can get in close." Gunnar explained to Kynigos before rising from his seat, "YOU FOUGHT WELL GLADIATORS! I SHALL DRINK IN HONOR OF THE FALLEN, MAY HIS JOURNEY TO VALHALLA BE SWIFT!" he shouted alongside the bloody cheers of the crowd.