Pyrrus shook his head in agreement with Rashim's statement of power. It was a very true statement. Especially in the sense of dragons. Of course every dragon was bestowed with amazing power. So if one choose to use it negatively the impact would come of much more destructive than your average misuse of power, which is why they had such bad reputations. What Rashim had said was true they could choose too burn down whole villages, but it's not like humans and other had never done that to their own extent before. Pyrrus didn't wish to make any more argumentative points. They were already technically agreeing on something....and technically getting along. They had been able to keep conversation and Rashim had not given him the detrimental cold shoulder as he would have expected. Hope filled the dragon. The door caught the young dragonkin by surprise as it creaked open and few other trial goers exited the room. Some excited and some not as much. Pyrrus gulped again as the thought of presenting himself crossed his mind again. The brown locks on his head rattled as he tried to shake the though from his head. The surprise from the wolf behind them speaking up was enough to distract him momentarily. Strangely he complimented their current interactions as "getting along so well". Pyrrus was unable to detect if this was sarcasm or not. The dragonkin just blushed as the phrase reinforced what he had just thought about earlier, the two were getting along. Even though Rashim had changed and forgotten him, he was still able to at least get along with him. Maybe this was sign they could start anew and maybe Rashim would finally remember. Being distracted by his own thoughts, Pyrrus had not noticed that the two had entered the room. Golden eyes grabbed onto the entrance way before him. Another trial....nervously the dragon followed in behind them. Once inside, his honey gaze caught glimpse of the many racks of weapons and other weighty seeming items resting upon various spots of the floor. Pyrrus began to search where Rashim had wandered too. Maybe he could converse some more over the trials or test near each other. Of course before he could even think, he was approached by another proctor. This one was the complete opposite of his last one. Large, bulky, and way more intense looking. If only he could have been just as lucky as before. The proctor quickly took a hold of him and zoned him from the rest of the room. " You're a tall large boy eh! But all those clothes, they make you look lean, scrawny, like you'll snap!" Pyrrus nervously nodded as if he had no choice to agree with the insults about himself. Of course, he had the proctor that was looking to insult and embarrass his trainee. Pyrrus sure was easy to embarrass, so he felt that this proctor was going to get what he wanted. "So lets get down to it boy, do you have any weapon skills? Anything you'd like to show off, or are your skills as bare as your bones." The dragonkin had never really received weapons training beyond the simple hunting tools of the forest. "Well...Uhhm.. I've never really had any experience with weapons..but I uh.." The proctor interrupted with a booming laugh. "Well I can see no physical strengths and now you say you have no weapon skills! How do you expect to pass this trial!" Pyrrus once again nervously laughed with him as if he was suppose to be agreeing. "Well..I never said I don't have any physical strength I can.." "Boy anybody could see you lack it, with height like this you should build bulky like me! Or else you'll just snap! But very well I guess I have to give you a chance. Let's see if you can hold a sword the size for your height". The proctor smirked and pulled a heavy looking sword from one of the racks. It was quite long and had a basic design too it. "Here you go, hold this up without your arm snapping off" The proctor placed the hilt into the dragonkins hand and let go, expecting it to drop to the floor. Of course being a dragon had it's strength perks. Pyrrus was definitely stronger than your average beastkin and definitely than any human. Just because he chose to wear this amount of clothes didn't mean he was scrawny. The sword stayed in place in his hand. His arm's didn't shake and this seemed to leave a disappointing look in the proctors eyes "Oh well you can actually hold a sword properly. That doesn't give you enough to pass the trial, someone your height should have far superior strength and I'm going to hold you to your level to pass this trial." The proctor snatched the sword and placed it back. From there he brought a long sword. Pyrrus could tell this was much heavier because even the proctors arms were being a bit shaky. "Here we go a long sword for a long boy!" The proctor smirked again and shakily placed it into Pyrrus' hand expecting his wrist to probably instantly break. The dragonkin gulped and let the sword transfer to his hand. He didn't know what to expect but he wasn't too worried...he had lifted boulders before when helping his guardian in the forest. There was some strange natural strength from being a dragon. The dragonkin however was worried about how his proctor would react. The sword simply rested into his hands and his golden eyes traced over the proctors face who seemed a bit dumbfounded at this boys ability. This was one of the reasons Pyrrus hated presenting himself, you didn't know how the person expects you to present and how easily it was to disappoint them. Although he realized he shouldn't feel bad since this guy was technically an ass. Surely one of the people leaving disappointed moments before had acquired him as their proctor. "Well you can handle long swords too, but you stated you have no skill with these, so in order for me too pass you your physical strength has to make up for all other lacks". The proctor took the long sword shakily once more and placed it down. He trotted away before returning dragging something along the floor that made a noisy scratch. The proctor reached him huffing a bit. "Here! This war hammer!" He stopped to catch some breath. "Lift it over your head and hold it before slamming it to the ground" The proctor tilted the handle to the dragons own grasp. Pyrrus looked upon the hammer a bit annoyed. This thing was impractical in all skill an physical strength. The proctor was clearly prying now. Pyrrus rolled his eyes a bit annoyed and let out a sigh. Feeling a bit heated his nervousness began decimate as fire replaced it. The proctor looked on in pity. Pyrrus grasped the handle with both hands taking a deep breath and then lifting the hammer releasing all of his heated breath with his exertion. The hammer carefully raised until it stood floating in the air far above his head. Pyrrus took another deep breath as he held it there for a few seconds before bringing it down to the ground with the release of more hot air from his lungs. The hammer crashed into the floor with a large and loud thunk echoing beyond the room. Pyrrus breathed heavily for a second before glancing his honey gaze back to the proctor who now looked like the embarrassed one. " did" The proctor uttered the words and Pyrrus let the handle clank to floor as he quickly retreated to the side of the room. Of course he had to summon some primal instinct to be able to achieve such a feat as that. The heat quietly burned inside of him as he took to the empty part of the room to calm himself down.