Once Ryan came back with the towel he laid down on the bed. He propped up his head with his good hand and watched her. His eyes went all over her and could see her skin turning red. Then he saw the small sparks coming from her when then moist towel touched her skin. He smiled and continued to watch her. Then when she asked about the fan he looked up for a moment thinking. "I believe I might. Hold on babe" he said softly as he got up out of the bed and walked across the room to his closet. He rummaged around in his closet for a moment before emerging with a box fan. Ryan sat it on the coffee table, pushed the couch aside and then scooted the coffee table closer so that the fan was in a reasonable distance and position to be on them. Climbing back in bed he positioned himself.He wrapped up with her and smiled to himself. Ryan waited and listened for her to drift into slumber. He watched him for a bit sleep in his bed. It was in a little astonishment that she was in his bed. As he watched her he listened to her breathing and he slight cute snoring. Ryan placed his hand on her back and closed his eyes and could feel her heart beat. It was an amazing feeling. After a little long he fell asleep. Ryan slept soundly for the most part, however, his eye shot up in the middle of the night. Ryan looked around the darkened room. Ryan grabbed his phone and looked at the time that read 2:58am. The sound of the fan rang in the air. Ryan looked over at Reagan as he sat up slowly in the bed. Ryan sat there for a moment before getting out of the bed. He walked over to a chair and grabbed his black bathrobe. He wrapped it around himself and stepped out into the corridor. The house was silent and the lights in the hall were dim. Ryan walked down the corridor and on to the stairs and went down them. After a moment or two he made his way into the kitchen. Ryan walked over to the coffee machine. He opened the top and put a filter in and started to put together the machine to brew a pot of coffee. Ryan looked out the window at the back yard and smiled as the moon light passed through the trees onto the ground. Once the coffee maker was put together he turned it on. Ryan stood there still looking out at the backyard and the couple of gnomes that ran passed to a bush to do...gnome things. Ryan laughed to himself. He looked down at the coffee pot and saw that there was enough made now for a cup of coffee. With his good hand he grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup. He fixed it up with come vanilla creamer and some sugar. He took a sit before walked out the back door onto the back patio. Ryan sat down and pulled his cigarettes from his pocket. He quickly lit one, but once he did the back door opened up. Thor stepped out. Thor had a cup of coffee aswell only having been behind Ryan in his steps by a few minutes. Thor sat down with him. The men looked at each other and smiled. "We haven't played in a while brother." Ryan said to Thor softly before taking a draw of his cigarette. Thor nodded and smiled before he took a sip of his coffee. Thor looked at Ryan. "I know. Life gets busy sometimes" Thor said before looking out at the sky. "How's Reagan?" Ryan sighed as he took a sip of his coffee and then a drag of his cigarette. "She's good, but, she has powers. I know she is scared shitless. I could hear he heart beat. She's worried. But I know she will be fine. They involve the fire branch. So it looks like she will be training with Dad and Ace. But maybe Micheal too. It seems to be electric. But it's too early to tell. I'll have to speak to Dad and Ace and they will take a look at her." Thor nodded. As he looked at Ryan he could tell that Ryan was worried for Reagan. Thor chugged the remaining amount of his coffee and stood up. Ryan looked confused for a moment. Then he smiled as Thor changed into his wolf form. Thor was a massive wolf like Ryan, but had a shiny jet black coat. Thor wagged his tail at Ryan. "Come on slow poke." Thor taunted at Ryan. Ryan stood up from his chair and smiled brightly before chugging his coffee and taking one last puff of his cigarette. Ryan changed into his wolf for. Their formed looked like total opposites. Thor was a solid black, Ryan a solid white. Strange though, the hand Ryan was missing was their in his wolf form. But the paw looked black. Obviously some sort of damage. The next thing Ryan knew, Thor had taken off into the back yard. Ryan howled a little before taking off after his brother. The sped through the yard. Ryan pounced on Thor taking him down. Thor quickly got up and pounced on Ryan. Ryan slipped from under his brother and took off. Thor took off after him. They continued to rough house.