She moved quickly, though not as quickly as the sleeper jedi had in their brief scuffle, and there was more than enough warning from the shifting of her stance and the expression on her face. She may have been trained in combat, and even become highly proficient at it, but it was clear that subtlety was never a part of that training. For an Umbaran, subtlety and manipulation came as easily as breathing, as did the ability to detect and read intentions, and not just in the mind alone. On a world of telepaths, all of whom guarded their minds jealously, it was necessary to cultivate more conventional means of reading the intentions of the beings around you. Even without any remembrance of his previous life, Bloodshot was still an Umbaran to the core and something ingrained that deep did not simply go away because a few memories were lost. Her movements were as clear to him as the pages of an open book as she charged forward. The foot she lead with, the positioning of her sabers, the locations her eyes darted to in the moments before her attack. It was like watching a holofilm three seconds ahead of everyone else, so when her saber streaked in from his right, his right foot drew back slightly to brace his body and his gauntlet blade shrieked forth from its housing and was there to meet her blade, trapping her left-hand saber on the far side of her body as he prevented her strike from passing clear of him. His left foot came clear of the floor and drove forward, aiming to smash into her ribcage just below her right breast and throw her backwards and off-balance. The positioning of her right arm, crossing her body to engage the blade attached to his right gauntlet, would mean that a successful defense from her left hand saber would require the severing of her own arm, which left evasion as her only reliable means of defense. That or the force, but he had a suspicion this one's talents were more focused on the aspects of the physical, rather than displays of raw power.