[center]~[i]Æmire[/i]~[/center] "Mother, What should I bring to satisfy The Council and guarantee my chance in their ranks?" Æmire had asked his Mother, also The Queen of Izzeterine's country. "[i]Nothing is guaranteed, but I can assure you that your magic and you staff is all you need. Once they see that you are sincere, they should allow your presence in the Council, especially since our representative have recently died...[/i]" She had said then kissed Æmire on his forehead. "[i]Be careful, you will have to move into human territory. As long as you conceal your tattoo and Mana Ring, you should look like a normal human being to them and shouldn't think twice about your presence... humans aren't too cautious about their surroundings like we are, so you should be able to pass by them without conflict and get to The Council. I love you son and I pray that Mère watches over you during your travels. Now say your farewells to your father and you may depart for your journey.[/i]" She said bowing then leaving to her room. Æmire bows in return then heads to his Fathers room. "Farewell Father, I love you!" Æmire says to his father while his father is asleep then heads for his Journey. After a long and tedious journey, Æmire finally makes it to the city of Arcia, only to be greeted by Guards. "[i]State your propose![/i]" Guards asked Æmire, for which he replies "Name is Æmire Xon Willow and my purpose is to participate the Wedding of Elizabeth Tite and to discuss my potential in The Council of Mère." He told the guards. "[i]You may enter...[/i]" They told him as they opened the gates to the city. Æmire walks in with the gates closing behind him. [i]Hmp... this might be more difficult than I thought... I have no idea who this Elizabeth looks like nor do I know when anything seems to be happening...[/i] Æmire thought to himself. He later noticed a notice hanging on one of the walls of a shop. '[i]Play near Town Center, featuring Anthony Tite! Please come and cheer for Anthony Tite before they depart for the ceremonial wedding of his sister, Elizabeth Tite![/i]' After Æmire read the notice, he headed towards Town Center and sits down on a bench near the Mère statue. "Ah such a beautiful statue... it's ironic that humans aren't as close to her as we are yet they still cherish her... I guess love meets no bounds..." He said to himself waiting for the announcements for the play to commence so he may discuss business with Anthony and Elizabeth Tite.