[quote=Seba] It's great to see that you're back! Per usual you have a slew of ideas I favor. Faceless Demon looks brilliant and reminds me of one of the first RPs we did together, and I think that one went the furthest anyhow. It's really too bad the old site crashed, I still had all those messages saved. :p There were so many points where the plot could've gone in a completely different direction, so I'm curious to see if we could make that happen again. I had meant to ask about the Naga Witchdoctor before as well; I'm glad to see you brought it back to NewGuild. This could be really interesting to see develop as clearly the Naga has certain powers of its own that it could exercise to manipulate the plot, and different characters of any kind. Arranged Marriage seems dreadfully interesting as well, and I'd say the Oracle one as well, but I think the last time we did it together it didn't get half as far as either of us would've proffered. With the Arranged Marriage, I think it'd be fairly interesting if the demon was able to shapeshift and only appear to be of the opposite sex when setting up the betrothal and subsequent wedding, so it could be ff or mm, depending. [/quote] Sorry to say I just filled "arranged marriage" - As is naga (Naga was originally a merman one, but I switched it up as naga's seem to be more popular) - However I would not mind continuing that story or even starting a new one with you. Faceless demon is still open however!