[quote=Darog the Badger God] Fuck it, General reading. How is my family life? or something like that [/quote] [hider=Image][img]http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i431/InternetLeech/darog.jpg[/img][/hider] Much like with Walker's reading, all these cards are pointing towards the same thing. Except this time, that thing is trouble. The Knight of Swords predicts arguments, The Tower stands for an unpleasant change or revelation, and the Three of Cups implies emotional problems with those close to you. All in all it seems things may be rough for a while. To put a positive spin on it, though, the conflicts presented by the Knight of Swords may lead to productive changes in a relationship. So, it's possible that the grief brought to your family may be unpleasant at first, but will prove beneficial in the long run. Lastly, the Knight of Pentacles suggests a "slowing down" of things to come. This could either be a positive thing, if it means that the conflicts will before long simmer down and things will become calm again, or it could hint at more trouble not too far down the road, assuming it means that the positive changes are what's slowing down. Really it's difficult to say.