[i]Never thought I'd be smelling something like this again.[/i] Salt water crashed against the docks and shore and rocks below, sending up mist that coated the air and filled it with a sickly-sweet scent of fish and sand. The sky above was bright and blue, inspired by the sea below, and dotted with wispy white clouds and sunlight beat down against the bare-shoulders of the tall slave, who was currently hauling over the last of the items she was instructed to gather by her new owner. Gale's new owner was the captain of a ship, a piratey-looking ship that she wasn't exactly looking forward to riding, and to be honest the whole ordeal was making her rather moody. And right now, as she stood just a few feet away from a group of blokes who stared up at that Deren Anjora like he was the son of a God with a sack of vegetables and meat that she would most likely have to whip into a meal for all of them, her mood couldn't be worse.The man, Deren, had bought her just a day before, after the long journey she had made from Ceirn to Fruwin (which was mostly spent curled up in the corner of a large but tightly packed wooden cart) and to be honest Gale couldn't think of a worse man who could have bought her. He seemed vain and loud, and once she was at his side she was put to work without even an hour of rest, which didn't leave her with a good impression. Also, he was the CAPTAIN of a PIRATE SHIP. And Gale wasn't exactly fond of rocking boats and not being on land and being surrounded by strangers who may or may not kill and eat her in her sleep like the damned criminals they are. Gale approached the crowd with her head held high, eyes narrowed, not the usual posture of a slave girl, and shouldered through the mass of bodies until she was in the front row. The large, brown satchel that was slung over her should was beginning to fell heavy and she would love to just fling it up at the stupid captain on the ship, but something made her stop. Perhaps it was his downward gaze at the crowd, or the fact that others were speaking and he was simply listening politely, or maybe it was the people themselves who seemed much more humane then Gale had imagined them to be, but whatever it was was making Gale suddenly very self-conscious. She lowered her gaze, allowing her body to step back a bit, and she sighed. Many of these people could be actually nice, and causing a scene won't make her time on this ship any less dreadful, and besides, she didn't really have any reason to embarrass her master. It's not like he beat her yet. So, Gale decided to act politely for once in her life and backed down, listening quietly as everyone began to introduce themselves. The first man to do so was someone named Nëis Leider, and just glancing at him made Gale feel a bit uncomfortable. He reminded her of one of the folks in the market place you should never approach, a criminal, like she feared. The next was Alexandér Banniir, and while she couldn't get a good look at him his voice sounded friendly, and that was good enough for now. Hopefully the good people will out weigh the bad. Next came Azren Dwillen, who didn't say much after his name and was close enough for Gale to glance at. He seemed young, not very menacing, and that again reassured her that not all of the people coming aboard were criminals. Silence then took the group, voices replaced by the crash of waves below and the harsh gusts of sea wind, and Gale allowed herself to calm down and relax. She slowly let the satchel full of cooking supplies to fall to her feet, rolling her shoulder to remove the cricks that had formed, and still, no one spoke. Quiet, quiet. How boring. Finally, on a sudden whim of wanting to be apart of the fun of introduction as well, she raised her hand and waved, "I'm Gale Crain. Let's get along." she smirked up at Deren, then glanced behind to give friendly smiles to the group. Better to start of kind then awkward, that's for sure.