Hollow had been watching and listening intently to the events going on around him, he was sure that these people knew how to help, or could figure something out at least, but when Kaminari fried the two mimics without a care in the world for the state of Mild's bar or thinking that there was a larger problem he suddenly wasn't so sure. He watched as Enki drew Kaminari aside and spoke to him softly and seemed to be calming the bastard down a little but when they turned back to the group and Enki had said that they would try to kill the worms without frying the group he suddenly wasn't so confident he would survive this. "Isn't there a way to kill these things without getting the shit shocked out of us by sparkles there?" he said as he looked at the other members of the group, "My family has a history of heart problems and if I get killed by this lightbulb on steroids I won't hesitate to haunt your ass from beyond the grave, I swear to god." Hollow didn't usually talk this way but he was pretty freaked out, he did not want to be turned from a Mildly Competent superhero to a well done steak in no seconds flat.