After being on the run for almost 9 months, Caelyn found himself in the city of Ceirn, his stash of coin that he had relieved his former owner of was running very low. "Damn," Caelyn said aloud. "Only enough funds for about 2 more night at that inn." That's when fate seemed to land right in his hands. "Oi, I'm tellin' ye, that rich bird is goin' off the map!" Caelyn leaned in to listen a little closer. "Says they are off to explore a new world or sumfin'. Daft fools if ye be askin' me. I'll be stickin' to what I know and what's right." Caelyn leaned in, "Excuse me, do you know where I may sign up for this "daft" expedition?" "It's on the flyer over there." "My thanks," Caelyn nodded. "And if yer thinkin' 'bout joinin' that lot, you may as well be diggin' yer own grave." Caelyn turned around and met him with a cold stare, and calmly replied. "What's different is that I'm choosing my fate rather than like you. You're doing the same menial tasks for someone who probably doesn't deserve your loyalty or does not compensate you properly in any way. Sounds to me like death may be a great alternative to that." It was in that moment, that even a decade later, he teared up in thanks to his mother for teaching him to be literate. He read the flyer and immediately went to sign up for the boat. Fortune was on his side in that the voyage set out in the morning. Caelyn decided to save his last little bit of coin, and stowed himself away on the boat until morning came. "I won't be left behind at least this way and I'm way early! That should bode well for me." Caelyn grinned to himself. It was a rough go of sleep for Caelyn in the cargo hold, but he finally dozed off in the late night hours, so it really should not have surprised him that he was awoken to "........ one at a time if you will." Caelyn shot straight up. "You idiot!" he thought to himself. Caelyn panicked as to think of a way to play this off, So while everyone was stating their introductions, he scrambled up to the crow's nest, hopefully unseen. After a man claiming to be Azren? Or at least he thought that's what was said, he thought it was time to make his move. He shouted down from the crow's nest. "The name is Caelyn D'Anthu.... errr sir?" And added a very casual salute at the end.