Her eyes narrowed, "I'll take the cuff off when we are on our way. I don't trust you." She turned to walk out of the dungeon, but something held her back. She wanted to say she was sorry, but at the same time her thoughts were nagging at her to just walk away. So she did walk away. She met with everyone upstairs and began to construct the pathway to the ghost town known as Augusta. Legend was that there had been a gas leak from a main gas line. This leak had then caused a massive fire that tore apart homes. No one really found any reason to return to the area so it was left in ruins and ashes. "We have a long couple of days ahead of us. Adam," She said glancing over at him, "Do we have any tents or camping gear? It'll take a while to hike there. Its about 140 miles away from here. I'm guessing three days. There aren't any angel sanctuaries from point A to point B so we'll be roughing it." "Yeah. We have plenty enough for 8 people. Two people per tent." He nodded, "I'll gather the supplies then." He left the lobby and disappeared into the supplies closet. "Alright. We leave in the morning!" She said, "Make sure to pack your backpacks with some good food. Its going to be a long trip and I doubt we'll be able to stop at any restaurants." She returned to her room and sighed. Luckily no one had asked about the bruises that had formed on her neck. She hoped they would disappear the next day, but the damn things were already turning an odd shade of purple and black. -- The next morning she grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with amenities they would need. She sheathed her sword and made her way downstairs. The lobby was filled with her angels getting ready for the adventure. OR so they liked to call it. Most of them were enjoying it. Genevieve stopped by the makeshift gift shop and grabbed a choker necklace. The things Adam did to make this feel like a real hotel baffled Genevieve. The necklace had a heart tied with black lace and she sort of liked it. Even if it did appear to be Gothic. She wrapped it around her neck to hide the still purple and black bruises. "20 Minutes!" She yelled out as she walked to the elevator. Once downstairs she took a few syringes filled with holy water and stuffed them into her backpack. She had seen what the water had done to Damien and it could come to use if he were to get out of hand. "Rise and shine." She said as she opened the cell, "Time to head to the next Relic." She smiled softly at him, though it was fake.