The seven year old boy shakily got to his feet. Since he had been sitting, his legs felt prickly as he got up. Davis's eyes still panned around uneasily. He was sure he had heard a howl that came from the woods, but it wouldn't be safe at all to go toward it. Would it? No, he was fairly certain, that in terms of his strict Grandmother's rules, running toward the blood-curdling howl was a big no-no. But what if something needed help? From what he heard from the household staff, Grandmother was keen on helping people and animals. He would make her proud if he did something like that, wouldn't he? Of course he would. Nervously, Davis rubbed his hands together and flicked some auburn hair from his face. It felt like he had a reason to now, but it didn't make him any less terrified. Slowly, Davis began to walk toward the invisible line where meadow transitioned into forest. The underbrush was dark, with fallen leaves, twigs and more forest gunk littering the floor. Cringing, the young child heard yet another chilling howl and his lip pouted as he hesitated. Shutting his eyes for a few seconds, Davis then quickly dashed into the dark woods, careful to avoid the plies of moist mud. Cursing aloud, the man hit his fist against the window of polished reinforced glass, hanging his head only for a moment as he watched the grandson of his mistress make a mad dash for the woods. Didn't he just tell him to stay in the meadow? And, more importantly, why was he in the yard by himself? Sakuya placed the cloth he was using to wipe the windows on the windowsill, and called out rather loudly, "Ryuu! Come with me to fetch Davis!" He called out as he began to head to the door. Were he on the second floor, Sakuya probably would have just popped open a window and hopped out of it, but it would be useless if he just came out of the first story. The man had light pink hair tied a bit in the back and looked to be in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a black and white waistcoat, and his coattails flapped as he hurried. Finally throwing open the door, pink eyes narrowed. What was Davis thinking? He was young, yes, but usually never this impulsive. He heard it as well, the cry for help, but... He could feel an evil presence present. This could all be a trap. Grinding his teeth together a bit nervously, he decided to hurry and retrieve him, and with Ryuu's help, he probably catch him before anything bad happened. Meanwhile, Davis was way deeper in the woods than Sakuya had originally thought. He was trying to follow where the howling was coming from, but after a while, realized that everything just looked the same. And that had started to scare him. "Hello?!? Is anyone there?!?" He screamed, a bit of panic in his voice.