[hider=Connor MacQuarrie] [b]Name:[/b] Connor MacQuarrie [b]Nickname(s)[/b]: CoMac Conan [b]Appearance[/b] [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-k3Wx_nEtDCw/UTgjTOTOSQI/AAAAAAAAG-s/R8D0EvfQTRQ/MU%252520%252528Alunos%252529%252520-%252520Thad%252520Castle%252520%2525283%252529.jpg[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/857acd389914ad64c355300eb52ba9a3/tumblr_mmvap17gh61r5mgq6o1_250.gif[/img] [i]"Biddies be 'mirin my gains"[/i][/center] Connor is a pretty big guy, around 6’2’’ and about 200 lbs. He has lightish brown hair that gets darker in the winter, and he likes to keep it short. He’s spent a lot of time working on his body and is proud of the results, maybe a little too proud. His eyes are blue-gray, though they look a little different depending on what he’s wearing. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Grade:[/b] 11 (was held back a year before coming to Caelbury, which he's attended for 3 years) [b]Social Class:[/b] Wealthy [b]Social Class Explanation:[/b] The son of a penniless-farmer-turned-ambassador and the heiress to the Molson fortune, money has never been an issue for Connor. He has previously struggled in school, but his parents wealth and influence were more than enough to overcome that obstacle.. [b]Personality: [/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WDtLY01.gif[/img] [i]“GIT ON MY LEVEL BRAH!”[/i][/center] It’s hard being a diplomat’s kid, but Connor has adapted well to the lifestyle. Moving around so much meant he got to be very good at making new friends, though not so great at keeping them. He’s very social and a little on the loud side; some would call him boisterous or unruly, but a few minutes in his company will show that he’s a very kindhearted person. Connor doesn’t exactly crave attention, but he certainly doesn’t mind it and his antics tend to draw plenty of attention. He’s not exactly the class clown, but he has a very exagerated public persona. His speech is laden with little jokes and references and a lot of random and seemingly nonsensical slang, though he adopts a more serious tone in classes or in personal settings. He easily makes friends across all social levels, but has trouble forming close, lasting relationships. Connor is also fairly vain and maybe a little more self-centered than he thinks. It’s hard to get away with much debauchery in a closed environment like Caelbury, but Connor doesn’t let that stop him. Armed with his Canadian mother’s opinions on drinking and his older brother’s driver’s license, Connor is your go-to guy for a beer run. He likes to enjoy himself, and wants to make sure others enjoy themselves too. On quieter days, Connor loves to play video-games and hang out with the guys, but only after he’s hit the gym. He doesn’t obsess over new fad workouts or diets, but makes sure to maintain a regular regimen and get plenty of protein. Connor is a bit unusual among Caelbury students because he really doesn't like the school. The environment is too oppressive and he doesn’t like the air of pretentiousness around the school. He constantly pushes the limits of the dress code and regularly pokes fun at his snobbier peers. Connor is very down to earth and open, and the shiny masks many other students wear irritate him. Connor is fairly well balanced, with a loving family, but like all kids, he has his issues. He’s been struggling with his feelings for a while, and has difficulties in school. He’s quite good in English class, and shows a surprising aptitude for biology, but his struggles with math and physics caused him to fail grade 9 the first time. Connor and his father are close, but his father grew up as an impoverished farmer, who had to fight and claw his way to the top. Connor feels like he could never live up to his father’s expectations, because he’s never known that kind of hardship, and he often feels overshadowed by his smarter, hard working and serious older brother. [b]History:[/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/z8rmH.gif[/img] [i]“I ate a spider once, gave me HELLA STRONGTH.”[/i][/center] Connor’s father, David MacQuarrie, grew up on a small farm in Idaho. David’s parents were desperately poor, but they did their best to give David an education. David went to a local agricultural college, planning to take over the farm from his father, but his parents were both killed in a car accident less than a year after he graduated. David knew they’d always wanted the best for him, so he sold the farm and against all odds, got into Cornell, where he first studied life sciences before completing an MBA. David began working in Washington as a political aide, then joined the foreign service. It was on his first posting to Ottawa that he met Connor’s mother, Victoria Molson Victoria’s childhood was the complete opposite of David’s. As a Molson, she was born into Montreal’s most elite social circle and grew up phenomenally wealthy. She attended all the best schools, and was presumably going to marry some rich peer of hers amongst Montreal’s elite. She was working in Ottawa as a political staffer-to secure connections and influence, not because she needed work-when she met David at a reception at the American embassy. The two fell in love and eventually got married, and Victoria left her native Canada to travel the world with David. Naturally, she still has access to all her wealth. Connor is a hybrid of his two parent’s worlds, which can be difficult. When Connor was growing up, his father tried to impress on him the value of money and hard work, but his family’s wealth deprived Connor of any real understanding of the concept. Even when David became an ambassador, he still scrimped and saved, and prefered doing work around the house himself. On the other hand, Victoria believed in the importance of social class and paying for quality services. Every family trip usually involved his parents bickering; dad wanted to fly economy using points, while mom just wanted to take the private jet. Dad was always insisting Connor get a job as soon as possible, while mom thought it would ruin their image if he were to ever set foot in a fast food joint. The result is that Connor is very conflicted about his background; he’s aware of his status and the importance of maintaining that appearance, but he also feels guilty for having an easy life.. He knows he’s supposed to appreciate the value of money and hard work, but he has no concept of what real hard work is. Connor has never spent long in one place. Being an Ambassador's son, he's lived in Zurich, London, and Paris, with a few years in Washington spread out here and there. Moving that often is tough on any kid, and Connor is no exception. Connor's never really had any close friends; he always attented international schools with the children of other diplomats, and those schools have a certain understanding to them. Everyone is in the same situation, so they like to make the most of it while it lasts, but they know they'll never see eachother again after, so they try not to get too invested. Connor's parents did the best they could to compensate for this unstable environment. His mother never worked while they were on a posting, so she spent most of her time trying to give some stability to Connor and his brother's lives. His father worked hard, but always made time for his kids. The only permanent part of Connor's childhood was his mother's family estate, a luxurious old compound built around a private lake in the Laurentians region of Quebec. Every summer when school was done, no matter where they were in the world, Victoria would fly with her two sons up to the lake. Connor would spend endless days swimming and playing with his brother and cousins. It was a perfect way to spend the summers, but it made going back to school even harder, and probably contributed to his academic difficulties. Connor’s father was recently appointed Ambassador to Spain, and while Connor usually went with his parents on postings, they decided his difficulties in school meant it was important for him to have a stable environment, so they sent him to Caelbury. [b]Extracurricular Activities:[/b] Football Water Polo Takes shifts lifeguarding at the Rec Centre [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] -likes dogs, hates cats -two toes on each foot are webbed Favorite subjects: History, Biology, English, Music (plays the piccolo, not very well, but he likes it because it's loud) Least favorite subjects: Math, Physics, Chemistry, Drama, [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3l2zwZjCK1r8j1j3o2_500.gif[/img] [i]"It's Friday SLOOTS!"[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Comac RS] CoMac RS [b][u]Students[/u][/b] [b]Jacob Rockwell[/b] “This guy my brudda. I call him Jacobo, cuz he’s like a Chocobo: reliable as fuck, and very involved in Final Fantasy. I would never have passed physics last year without him. Bro is hella smart, but he best start liftin if he wants to be a marine, or he gonna get dunked on by a talibans. Hit me up bro, I will make you pancakes with protein powder in em: brocakes.” Connor and Jacob are on pretty good terms. Jacob’s helped Connor with math and physics in the past, and they share a love of video games. Connor is aware that Jacob has some issues, but isn’t comfortable discussing intense emotional stuff, so he never brings it up. [b]Wren Sinclair[/b] “Would smash/10, and in my other country, that’s legal. But this is AMURICA, land of the free, where banging 15 year old is very inappropriate. She’s ultra-motivated and is all about dat healthy lifestyle, so double props to her. Wait was she in ‘The Longest Summer’? That shit is TIGHT.” Catherine is 3 years younger and 1 grade behind Connor, so he doesn’t know her very well. He’s impressed by how much she’s accomplished at such a young age, and he respects anyone who can commit to maintaining good personal health. It might be nice to get to know her better. [b]Acacia Hawthorne[/b] “Awww yis, Fearless Leader. She’s nice, but that biddy needs to find herself, go on a vision quest or some shit. Don’t tell her brother, but would REK with the force of a thousand suns/10. She got in the dunk tank the other day, and I nearly passed out from blood loss, if you know what I mean.” Connor and Acacia both make a point of being friendly to others, so they’re naturally friendly to eachother, but not very close. Acacia’s perfect little girl act rubs Connor the wrong way, but that doesn’t stop him from hanging out with her sometimes. [b]Alena Rurik[/b] “DAT AESTHETIC LIFE. Mad props to Wonder Woman, she can bench more than I can, honestly I’m a little jealous, but that’s ok, because jealousy is just the brain telling the body GIT ON MY LEVEL BRAH! She’s great on the field and keeps it real, she’s my amazonian brudda.” Connor’s feelings towards Alena are a mixture of envy and awe. Alena’s awesome athletic prowess inspires Connor to do better, but he can’t help but be jealous of how easily it comes to her. Her athleticism, stature, and manner make Connor think of her as ‘one of the guys’, but overall he thinks she’s pretty great. [b]Alex Harrowling[/b] “Damn that guy is pretty, no homo. He’s really cool, but he’s very quiet, I think he spends a lot of his time in the library, that’s cool, reading is radical. Yeah not that much to say, would tenderly make love to but only if he was ready/10, except I wouldn’t because that would be homosexual, which is what I am not.” Connor’s exuberant personality doesn’t really match Alex’s quieter disposition. Connor hopes to get to know him better this year. [b]Julie Scott[/b] “Jsco knows what’s what, she speaks what's on her brain train and don't apologize to NO ONE. I’d take her on a magic carpet ride, because those things don’t got GPS and hell if I know how to ask a chinaman for directions. J’aime les champignoooonns!” [center][img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/0wwM2v1P0Ik/0.jpg[/img][/center] While not extremely close, Connor and Julie like to exchange jokes in French sometimes, and they do have fun together. Both Connor and Julie are relaxed and outspoken by nature, so they get along well. [b]Max Wallenburg[/b] “I don’t talk trash behind people’s backs, and I don’t know this kid too well, but buddy needs to learn some GOTDAYUM RESPECT.” Connor has no time for Max, whom he considers a snob. In general, Connor just tries to avoid him. [b]Tomika Marias[/b] “Sword biddy? Don’t know her that well, looks like she’s got no shortage of dolla dolla bills though. Remind me not to get on her bad side, I am WAY TO PRETTEH to get a sword right in my face.” Connor treats Tomika with the same exuberant friendliness he treats everyone, but he doesn’t know her very well. [b]Malicia Palistar[/b] “That biddy think’s she’s hot shit, but she ain’t. She needs to be taught some respect. With my penis. Yus. Would hatefuck/10” Connor has no time for snobs, though he could make a little time for a snob as attractive as Malicia. [b]Aoife Abbot[/b] “I ain’t gonna lie, this biddy scares me. I seent her in the gym, got mad KARATE skills. Gingers have no souls, but OH LORDY, I want her to tie me down and spank me REAL GOOD.” Connor and Aoife have a distant classmate type relationship. There’s not really much else to say. [b]Eliza Herring[/b] “It’s funny that Veep and Fearless Leader are best friends, cuz she also needs to do some vision questing. Still, Veep’s fun to drink with, I make sure to get her the good stuff when she asks me to do a booz run. Not any of that Russian crap, Russian vodka is for commies and this is AMURICA. I’m talking that good Polish shit. Why do the polish make great vodka? Fuck if I know, I thought the entire country was just cabbages." Connor and Eliza are on pretty good terms, though her picture perfect mask gets on his nerves sometimes. Connor likes her most when she’s been drinking and relaxes a bit, so he makes a point of providing her with a steady stream of vodka at a discount. [b]Connor MacQuarrie[/b] “Connor you’re perfect! Shut up baby I know it, GET OUT THE WAY SLOOTS!” [b]Jack Riley[/b] “Gotta respect Jacko, he too appreciates DAT AESTHETIC. He’s got a great bod, I ain’t gona lie, sometimes I be mirin, not as swole as me but hella definition. Gotta show him this new crossfit routine I picked up over the summer, we hit the gym together and make MAD GAINS.” Connor and Jack share a typical jock/bro relationship. They both believe that they’re new age Adonis’s, and both share the arrogant attitude that comes with it. Both are on the water polo and football teams, so end up spending a lot of time together. Despite this, it’s a very shallow relationship; a lot of fist bumping, talking about banging chicks, drinking beer, etc. but not very much actual friendship. [b]Silas Eberhardt[/b] “NEEEEEEEERRRRRDDDD but he’s cut so its okay. Bet he’s mad jelly of my strongth.” Connor and Silas are acquaintances at best. [b][u]Teachers[/b][/u] [b]Hayden Hawthorne: [/b] “I already GOT A DADDEH! For real, everyone loves Mr. Veep, and I dun’t get it. Always telling me to tuck in my shirt and do up my top button, bro you are stifling my creativity! Could be worse though, if he was like Stalin I would get shipped off to Siberia, and that would be TERRIBAD.” It’s not a personal thing, Connor is just not a huge fan of the school’s administration in general. Hayden’s seemingly caring nature rubs him the wrong way, and he steers clear of ‘Room for Tolerance’. [b]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b] “Mr. Zim is probably Kant reincarnated; don’t laugh at the name son, Kant is the founder of modern brolosophy, and you will not disrespect him in my presence. For real though, Mr. Zim’s alright, except for his fucking cat. I hate cats, and this one is named Oedipus. You know what Oedipus did? He banged his mom, and I don’t care how hot she was, shit’s MESSED UP.” Connor has a passing interest in philosophy. It’s not his favorite subject, but it’s definitely not his worst. He doesn’t always get the full intricacies of the subject, but he thinks Zimmerman is a solid teacher, though they don’t have a close relationship. [b]Jaycen Pierce[/b] “Coach runs a toight ship. Toight loike a toiger. I’m not one of his prodigy QB’s but he knows I REK that scrum, so I get lots of field time, and I appreciate a man who appreciates me. Plus, he’s all about dat aesthetic life, gonna get some tips and get real swole this year.” Coach Pierce is one of the few teachers who Connor really respects. Connor doesn’t give him any attitude, and they’ve got a good working relationship. Under the Coach’s guidance, Connor really focuses, and he’s been really improving his game. [b]Saul Kershcenzweigernator[/b] “He keeps it real. Saulinator AIN’T GOT NO TIME FO YO BULLSHIT. Mad props, but drama is not my thing.” Connor really doesn’t like pretentiousness, so he appreciates Saul’s blunt, abrasive attitude, but hasn’t actually been in one of his classes. [b]Allison Kendrick[/b] “Fuck yeah! Ms K is a hella fine woman and a double hella fine teacher. I’m ‘BOUT dat history, gonna write some essays about german unification and my brudda Bismarck, shit’s tight. I didn’t even know I liked history until Ms K, we ride together, we discuss pre-WWI Europe together, bad boys for life!” Connor’s exuberant personality is a perfect match for Allison’s cheerful disposition, and she ignited a hidden love of history when he first got to Caelbury. Connor really likes her class, but she sometimes needs to reign him in when he gets a little too rowdy. [b]Brendan Aldrin[/b] “Is it just me or does he look EXACTLY like Cyclops from the Xmen movies? Just me? Huh. This guy’s new, but he’s probably a grade A shithead if they made him principle of this place.” Again, nothing personal, but Connor really doesn’t like the administration at Caelbury, and Brendan Aldrin would be exactly that. [b]Liam Matthews[/b] "Who? Didn't even know there was a psych class here. If I have room in my schedule I might take that, learn how to read minds and become a Jedi, that would be most good." Connor and Liam have not met yet. [center][img]http://cdn1.akamai.coub.com/coub/simple/cw_gif_big/80678cfd593/0d6668ccca92f59de93b3/1386631783_2e6wdn_fkc10uc.gif[/img][/center] [/hider]