The silver was taunting him, Ryuu knew - just like he knew Sakuya had assigned polishing as an act of torture for flirting with the new maid ... again. Really, it wasn't his fault that she got all embarrassed and dropped the soot container, casting the ashes across the hardwood floor. Defeated, he hung his head as he reached up to tie back his extra locks before setting to work. Just as he was reaching for the cloth, he heard Sakuya's alarmed voice from down the hall. Secretly, he thanked the heavens for saving him from the silverware as he dashed off after the call. "I'm here, sir," Ryuu said as he slid to a halt next to the older man. "I'll dash on ahead to save your elder lungs some trouble." He chuckled at the jest as he sprint on ahead recklessly and boldly into the foliage. Swift travel was actually something he'd naturally had to his advantage, even if he was grounded. Following a trail was something he wasn't skilled at, however, and gave pause to listen as soon as the dark aura practically slammed into his chest. He heard the howling, weak cries for help, really, and then the scared voice of the young master. Worry now creased his usual carefree brow. The pain from the thorns was becoming far too intense for Hiroshi to bear much more of consciously - his resolve was weakening, and his body giving over to the pain. In a last struggle for his life, he attempted a shockwave but it was far too weak in his young age and physical state to do much aside from temporarily loosen the constraints. He took his chance though, and pulled upwards towards the bank as the thorns ripped his fur and flesh deeper. Falling into the damp grass with a final weak howl, Hiroshi's body giving out completely, he felt his strength leave and his eyes fall heavy. [i]I'm ... going to die.[/i]