Pro followed his savior, head hunched to meet the demands of the cave. From her words, he imagined the fate of Kimball in her hands to involve a hefty ransom. The honest were dangerous in a unique way, he considered, before answering her. "An easy one to say, no less. I'm called Pro." He paused, observing the way oil-born light played through the cave ahead of them, and thinking over his next words. How much did he have left to do? "I'm something of an anthropologist at heart, which involves pissing a great many people off, but I work medicine for those who can return a favor. For the Legion, that favor was not crucifying me for helping a little town with a losing battle. They'd probably give you the same payment for me, Miss...." Pro made a vague gesture to indicate his wish for his counterpart to fill the given blank, despite both the dark and her leading their walk through the cave. Immediately distracting was the sound of a dog growling from the direction they were moving in. The young medic slowed instinctively, wondering at whether the beast had been trained in either stealth or manners.