The edges of the young man's head ached a bit. Leaning his rear against the wall and bending over, the dragonkin placed his hand upon his brow. Slightly he rubbed back and forth to alleviate some of the ache. Using his power could be tiresome, especially in strong burst like that. Not to mention he had been traveling all morning and training. Also it had been a while since he had eaten. That's where he could mainly tell his light headed feeling was coming from. For sure when this was over he would get something to eat and probably take a nap. It wasn't easy being a large boy, also a dragon, with out some large energy intake. Before the dark haired youth could fully collect himself he was interrupted by the familiar gruff voice of the proctor that had just tested him. "Aye, Boy". The honey glazed eyes of the boy rolled through their sockets before opening and scanning up to the proctor approaching him. Still leaning back and over he lifted his head to make eye contact with him. "Uhh..hi again" What else was he going to say. Surely they didn't want to converse with each other after that display. "Uhh Sorry, you still seem a bit off about the whole thing. We just gotta test the recruits and have some fun and....yeah. Anyways I got so distracted with what you did there! You made the whole room shake! That boom was loud enough to knock anybody standing to close back from simply the force! I think you even managed to crack through the floor!" Pyrrus looked at him but didn't have an emotion to express. All he was doing was what the people were telling him to do, and some how they were making a spectacle of it. " was nothing I just did what you asked" The proctor let out another boom of a laugh. "Nothing? That sure was something that we didn't expect any of the recruits to do today! You blew us away!" Pyrrus gave a questioning look. "Us?" The proctor looked back to him "But of course, some of my colleagues who were told and even saw, not to mention the whole room who felt the effect" The proctor lifted his hand to the young man. "Here it is! " Golden eyes locked onto the item in the hand, a scroll. "Take this to thee central office to let them know you passed, which you did with flying colors. There they'll enroll ye in the expedition. Then you can be on your way, even join up with a group. Word does travel round here quickly. I'm sure plenty of people be wanting you to join their group. You can get yourself in a good spot". The proctor handed him the scroll and bid him farewell. The dragonkin looked upon his palm where the scroll laid. There it was, his token of passage. The young man had done it. He had made it through all of these surprise trials and he was on his way to begin his expedition. A second wind hit him and filled him with joy. He jolted up from the wall with a grin on his face. Somehow he'd managed to tackle through the first part of his adventure. Even with all the curves thrown at him he had done it. He didn't know why but he felt that he was on his way to something big now. Now all he had to do was go hand this over and he could begin the rest of his adventure. The proctor's words re entered his mind. Apparently he had also impressed this proctor a little too much too. The proctor said for sure the word would get around. Hopefully the word would spark anything foul to come towards him. Pyrrus shook his head. No he was happy, he wasn't going to let his toxic pessimistic thoughts take over this time. The proctor had also mentioned that he could join a group and he should have no trouble too find a good one apparently. The dragonkin had not thought about this at all before. A group... That would be something new. Pyrrus never really had ever done anything in a group effort before. The question of should he take this into thought began to flood him. With a group traveling sure would be a lot easier. He wouldn't have to be lonely. There would be more versatility in situations. His chances of succeeding would also be higher. On the other hand he would have to present himself to a group of people, prove worthy, perhaps get mixed up in something foul, or maybe he might even be putting his group in danger if something was to happen with his dragon side. Both sides were equally compelling. This would be a tough decision to make, but he had time to make it. For now he would go turn this sheet in, then get something to eat and relax for the rest of his day. The dragonkin placed the scroll in his jacket and stretched out a bit. The excitement had made him feel quite a ways better. Golden eyes turned to the door and the young boy set his body in motion for it. Walking past a few other proctor stations his eyes caught Rashim in another part of the room receiving a scroll from his proctor as well. The dragonkin let out a hot sigh. If only he could run up to him and congratulate him and the two could celebrate together. Of course he couldn't now. His eyes locked onto the blonde boy and saddened a bit as he yearned for Rashim to only remember him. Imagine, the two still friends celebrating their victories before heading out on an adventure of a life time together. If only. That would definitely be group he would join. 'If Only' he thought once more. The golden gaze scanned the bit for a bit more before slowly falling back to the door. Letting out another hot sigh, the dragonkin made ways to it.