[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Amf3T7i.png][/center] I'll simplify this as much as possible. This Nation RP will probably be "High-Casual"/Advanced. The Roleplay will take place in "2 Phases." --- [center][u]PHASE 1: Roleplay Phase[/u][/center] -All non-combat roleplaying (diplomacy, construction, negotiations, etc.) The only exception is Treating, or forming treaties with other players, which is only available during Battle Phase. -Character development happens here primarily, since you will be roleplaying the head of your House + lesser generals and such. --- [center][u]PHASE 2: Battle Phase[/u][/center] -All dice rolls, stat calculation take place during BP. -All In-Combat posts will take place during BP also. -Assassination attempts can only take place during BP (more info in OOC) --- [b]Setting:[/b] Slightly Retconned Westeros + Essos. -Time: War of the Five Kings. -Same locations and people. Possible new areas and new people. -Technology will be on par with series - -Magic exists, but is not easily accessible to the average Westerosi [b]Player:[/b] Control familiar Houses (Lannister, Stark, etc.) and lesser Houses under their domain (Manderly, -Would like to get some original/retcon Houses over in Essos as well. Alternatively, you can move your House from one region to another, but this will free up your region for someone else to snag, at the expense of leaving their region. -House Reyne (of Castamere) is revived and up for grabs. -Jon Arryn/House Arryn is revived and married to Lysa Tully. -Melisandre has not yet joined Stannis Baratheon's entourage. -House Targaryen is not up for grabs. -Looking for 4 or more people [b]Stats/System:[/b] -Basic adding/subtracting (there will be a CS that will hopefully explain everything thoroughly in the OOC) along with dice rolls: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm -Complex nation-building, relatively simple combat.