[center][b][i]Biographical Section[/i][/b][/center] --- [b]Name:[/b] Rayvon Krayvitch [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Race:[/b] Human (Aasimar) [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/346/7/5/heavenly_warrior_by_lonefirewarrior-d5nsrix.jpg]Image Reference[/url] *Note: There are no wings. Rayvon stands at approxiamately 5’11” and weighs in at 133 lbs. Her hair is cut short, framing her face and is black, glinting a deep blue in the light. Her eyes are a deep piercing blue and her face is marked with dark markings. Overall, she is of a slender but strong build but can be notably seen staggering from time to time as if she is still not used to distributing her weight a particular way. Notably, down her back, near her shoulder blades, are two large scars with irregular planes denoting where her wings once were. [b]Homeland:[/b] Kingdom of Liveria - Outcast [hider=Homeland][i]Kingdom of Liveria:[/i] Liveria is a single city-state with self-sustaining farmlands. They are isolationist in nature and their ruler, Crown-Prince Xavier, rejected the idea of folding into the greater Renaltan kingdom due to conflicting ideologies. Where Liveria wants to be left alone, Renalta wants to swing open its doors. This has led to some friction between the two kingdoms at points, with Liveria claiming total control over the only coastline Renalta could feasible use. Liveria is small but determined, and their people tend to be either commoners who work for the rich, or the rich who pay tariffs and taxes to the royalty, whom in turn use said taxes and tariffs to ensure their isolationism remains intact. Unlike Renalta’s open city architecture, Liveria as a city holds are more gothic architecture, with stone gargoyles and dark stone used in construction one could almost be forgiven for confusing the keep for a citadel of engineering genius. Almost.[/hider] [b]History:[/b] Open to the capital of Liveria, a grand scene of dark architecture, looming overhead. Snarling gargoyle’s leer down upon commoner and noble alike, wings outstretched to the heavens ready to swoop forth and claim their victims… A haunting city of grim beauty for a child to behold, with the hidden demons and weeping cherubim of stone. For Rayvon, staring up at these cherubim with wide eyes, she wondered why this child angels danced upon in glory while she hid her gift from the heavens under tight wraps, cloaks and more… She lived like this for some time, clear into her teen years until, before the statue of King Xavier’s father, staring up at the imposing giant… She shed her disguise, wings unfurling. A quiver ran through the young woman at the feel of the air across the feathered appendages. For a time, the world was brighter, she felt exhilarated, empowered, a true glory to behold… There were those of another opinion. The Witch Hunter Davis Christo took it upon himself to remove the problem in the city. As the girl wandered about her city and home, free for the first time, he rallied a hunting party. They stalked her in the night until she returned home to her father, the source of her power, and mother, a well-respected Witch Hunter of Liveria. From her home, the abducted her, took her into holding and sought out justice. There were things done there she does not speak of to this day… But the worst act against her, was the ravaging of her wings… They began first, shredding them off, joint by joint… Before hacking them off where they protruded from her back. Justice dispensed, they cast her out into the streets. There she lay, coated in muck and her own blood, sobbing, too weak to move. A holy man found her there, in his patrol through the street to grant sanctuary in the monastery to the poor and downtrodden for the night of rain… There were still so many who condemned angels, even here, so many refugees of Renalta holding their heritage in secrecy… Yet this one man, carried the woman to the monastery and saw to her treatment. For a time, she was too preoccupied fading in and out of consciousness to make any note… When she awoke finally, the man began to speak of the clergy and gods and holiness. She spat and kicked him away, cursing him and his gods and demanding to know what they ever did for her… In her attempt to leave, she proved to still be too injured… So she was stuck listening to the his drivel. After a time, her family found her, her father blamed himself and his bloodline for it. He took it hard, straight to his grave… She did not take his death well. Her mother, however, sought vengeance for the actions against her brood. She began a hunt of her own in pursuit of Davis Christo… Successfully. The results of this act against a fellow Hunter resulted in her mother’s trial and impending imprisonment. She got better, sure enough, and ended up, the loss of her parents, home and anything really to support her, she fell into the dark cracks of Liveria. She lived in the gutters and begging and until she finally grew and saw her calling. Rayvon struck out against the lowlives. This, however, fell into her bringing down the downtrodden who were forced into such a lifestyle just to survive, much as she had. This work, was eventually, brought to eyes of higher authorities. They managed to bring her in for her acts. Of course, there was another motive behind this. They sought to recruit her for the Witch Hunters. To which she promptly declined due to her past with them… This had repercussions, though. She was to pay for her crimes. Not wishing to share a cell with her mother, though, she fled Liveria like a bat out of hell. [b]Motivation:[/b] To establish angels as secular and stamp down scourges of the realm. It may not be her problem, but she’ll be damned if she just sits around doing nothing when the fate of the world is at such a critical juncture. [center][b][i]Stats & Traits[/i][/b][/center] --- [b]Strength:[/b] 4/10 [b]Agility:[/b] 5/10 [b]Charisma:[/b] 1/10 [b]Magical Endurance:[/b] 4/10 [b]Fighter:[/b] 5/10 --Skill Set 1 [i]Slashing, Two-Handed[/i] --Skill Set 2 [i]Slashing, One-Handed[/i] --Skill Set 3 (Unlocked at: 7 points.) --Skill Set 4 (Unlocked at: 10 points.) [b]Leader:[/b] 2/10 [b]Sneak:[/b] 1/10 [b]Mage:[/b] 2/10 --Magic School 1 [i]Holy Magic[/i] --Magic School 2 (Unlocked at: 5 Points.) [b]Experience Traits[/b] --[i]Barbarian[/i] --[i]Spellsword[/i] [b]Conditions[/b] --[i]Bloodline Holy - Aasimar[/i] --[i]Wells of Power[/i] --[i]Ancestral Ghosts[/i] [b]Unique[/b] -- [i]Breath of the Divine[/i] - This character has the capability to spill “a breath of purity” to another character at the expense of her own in order to cure them of any afflicting corruption. However, this comes at the expense of her drawing a portion of the corruption into herself to counteract it. [center][b][i]Personal Section[/i][/b][/center] --- [b]Romance:[/b] I endorse the hell out of it and will be responsible for the majority of the game’s shipping. [i]Now Kiss[/i] *pushes two characters together* [b]Play style:[/b] I love a healthy mix of combat and dialogue. However, I prefer more options and more complex missions. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] … Must I show the picture? [b]Signature:[/b] Tempest, your partner-in-crime and collaborative character killer.