Heh. So he was planning on killing her master after all. How silly of him. She wasn't concerned about this statement so it didn't effect her out of worry more so then it momentarily drew her attention away from the bounty hunter. However, she managed to shift her gaze back to him before resuming her assault. She got close enough to swing and swung she did, only to find herself locked against his gauntlet rather then cutting cleanly all the way through him as expected. Tsk. Why'd she let herself get distracted and miss the obvious like that? Her master would never have made such a mistake. She'd have no choice but to pull back and try to clear her mind if she was to have any better luck with her next attack. His foot came in, but with her force augmented speed she was already disengaged with him and sprung backwards. Despite her young age leading to inexperience, nothing bad could be said about her high level of physical ability to help rectify any mistakes that she makes. Even Master Oabre had to admit how Nima was always bursting with energy and wearing her out. If she couldn't take him out with one blow then she'd just have to keep at him until he couldn't withstand her pressure any more. Her left saber lowered underneath where her right had been to make a jab and dissuade him from coming any closer while she momentarily regrouped. Her right saber, meanwhile, pulled back from it's attack to go into a more defensive position in front of her chest just in case a long range attack quickly came in. As far as she could tell she had all of her bases covered, at least for now. ********** Master Oabre's expression remained calm as the traitor waltzed in and deactivated the barrier. Unexpected, but nothing to get worked up over. Ones mind must always be at ease, especially for her fighting style that relied so heavily on this aspect. As such she remained as still and serene as ever, reaching out with the force that flowed like a deep, endless river inside of her; a force which was sent crashing towards the man with enough power to send a wampa flying unconscious into the back wall. She didn't want to kill him but wanted to take him out of the fight as quickly as possible to give aid to her padawan, therefore sending out sufficient force for what she considered would get the job done. She had a bad feeling about what might happen to her padawan but couldn't quite be sure of their exact outcome at the moment. Whoever that bounty hunter was, to combat her padawan well enough to make the outcome unclear was an incredible feat.