Rules This is mostly free-roam, but try not to god-mod. Keep cursing to a minimum. Keep romance at PG-13 No controlling or killing someone else's character without their consent. Listen to me and my co-GM(s) (when I choose some). Add drama in the IC(makes things more interesting) Have as many characters as you can handle. Have fun. Co-gms: Ninkitty, ......, and ...... CS for students Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Appearance(s): Abilities: . Species: Personality: History(optional): Likes/dislikes: Sexual orientation(Straight, gay, bi or lez): Other: Dorm: Schedule: CS for teachers/staff: Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance(s): Abilities: Class you teach(teachers only): If staff, what are you?: Likes: Dislikes: Other: Sexual orientation(optional): History(optional): Classes to teach Art Jonathan Kuga(me) Science: Bariq Nasir(sheeplon) History: Davidson(User) Lunch Math: Prof. Phillip Davidson(User) Psychology: Gym: Darrell Whitetail(me) Staff positions Principal: Isis Flores(me) Assistant principal: Janitor/custodian[clean, clean, clean]: PJ(Saarebas) Admins(up to 4): Lunch ladies(only 2): School nurse/doc(only 1): Mine Name: Arin Kurokawa Nickname: Arin Age: 18 Gender: Male Crush: Ayaka Relationship: Ayaka Appearance(s): [hider=human] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] [hider=Dinosaur][URL=] [IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Abilities: Can use telepathy in both forms. While dinosaur, he can breathe ice which can freeze or stun his enemies. He has used Tail Slam(does not kill, but can cause injury). So, if he raises his tail on you, either move or be flattened(XD). Species: Human/Dinosaur. Personality: Friendly, helpful, loving. As nice as he is, he does have a temper which he has little to no control over. History(optional): He hasn't really told anyone this including his girlfriend. "Leads to bad memories." He says. Likes: Ayaka, having/making friends, movies and the beach. Dislikes: When people purposely try to anger him. His girl being touched by enemies. Sexual orientation: Straight Other: Do not make him angry or he'll turn into a dinosaur. Dorm: 1 Schedule: Art, Science, Math, Lunch and Psychology. Name: Isis Flores Nickname: Isis(Miss. Flores to students) Age: 35 Gender: Female Species: Tiger Appearance(s): [hider=human] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] [hider=Tiger] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Abilities: Shifting from human to tiger at will. Class you teach(teachers only): N/A If staff, what are you?: Principal Likes: Peace and quiet. Dislikes: To be revealed. Other: none atm. Sexual orientation: Straight History: She doesn't talk about it. Co-ed dorms(2 per room) 1. Arin Kurokawa(me) 2. Jeffrey(xiledx) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ace(me) and Edwin(xliedx) 10. Ayaka and Luna(Ninkitty) 11. Larry(me) 12. 13. Masilalt(sheeplon) and Joey Freeman(me) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Price(me) 21. 22. 23. Ethan Fields(me) 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Alexander Jarrett(me) Not a part of the school Deon Vincent(me) [url=] Accepted characters [/url]