Vladimir returned to his room and saw the note from Iris and had decided that the most responsible thing to do would be drink the pint bottle of rum that he kept stashed away for just such an occasion before getting dressed. Drinking before going out was, in his mind, a lot like a boxer hitting himself in the face a few times before the big fight. He would already be drunk, so the rest of the liquor he would be drinking that night wouldn't be able to sneak up on him. He hadn't gotten this far as a Ranger without learning how to drink copious amounts of booze to dull the pain, so when he finished the pint he felt like he was ready to do some real drinking. He pulled out a black dress shirt and matching slacks that he considered appropriate night out attire and pulled them on, and his slight buzz made putting on his belt a little more difficult than it needed to be but he was able to persevere and overcome. He put on his leather dress shoes partly because they matched the rest of his outfit, but mostly because they didn't need to be tied. He looked in the mirror and was happy to see that his eyes were slightly glazed over, but he didn't at all look drunk aside from that. He pulled his hair back and tied it there and he spent a few seconds combing his beard so it all looked straight. When he decided that he didn't look half bad for a psychopath, he left his room and strolled down the hall to Iris' room, and was happy to see his preperations for the evening hadn't made him late. He would rather fight two Category 5 Kaijus at once over listening to Iris scream at him any day.