Ivy stared at him a moment longer, brow furrowed. She really, really, [i]really[/i] wanted to show him what she'd found. All things considered, she thought she'd been pretty patient, since the only reason she hadn't made him stop and admire her handiwork back on solid ground had been because he'd given her his gun instead (green eyes flicked hopefully to the sidearm for a moment before she remembered she was trying to be supportive). But if Mama Petra had been here, she'd have smacked Ivy for not offering to do something about the whole hat thing sooner. It was clear Jötz was still upset, and she really did owe him a handful of favors at this point. She decided to compromise by keeping a look out for anything even remotely hat shaped. She was sure she could figure out the rest from there. Besides, Mama Petra would have smacked the Jaegar, too, because she had no patience for pouting. Or Jaegars. But pouting was definitely the greater of two evils. That decided, Ivy sidled close, grinning. Any caution about the teeth, claws, and strength her new companion had over her had fled around the second or third time he'd saved her life. Also, she found a cool thing, and she wanted him to see. Flushed with excitement, Ivy held a gore-covered fist beneath Jôtz's nose, then slowly unfolded her fingers. In the center of a palm obscured with all matter of a lumpy blackish-blue-green substance was a thick curved tooth, smeared with a thin coating of gray-green stickiness. Even so, it appeared to almost glow in the dim light that shone through the hole they'd fallen in. It was a little longer than Ivy's thumb and about twice as thick, ending in a gleaming point that rested between her thumb and forefinger. The other end was splintered and broken, as if the tooth or bone had been hacked and chipped away. Ivy stared at her treasure with an expression one might expect to see on the face of a new mother, if that new mother was also slightly manic. She reached out another finger and gently drew it along the curve of the stout tooth before looking to Jötz for his reaction. "Isn't it beautiful?" she said adoringly. "I got it from one of the little ones when that tree fell." She frowned a little. "I think I could have gotten more, but that big one didn't like us very much." She stared at it again before shifting to sit so she was cross legged, all but leaned up against Jötz and completely, pleasantly oblivious. She carefully set the tooth in her lap, cradled between her legs in the quickly putrefying fabric of her apron. Absently, she wiped gore cover hands on her leggings. It was a long moment before she realized her left hand was doing a funny combination of itching and smarting. She stared curiously at the hand, still a little smudged with blood and gore, before spitting into her palm and cleaning it again. A look of excitement and alarm crossed her face and for a moment, the tooth was forgotten as she drew gentle fingers over her palm. She drew her hand close to her face, squinting through the dark, then nodded once. "Huh." She looked at Jötz, carefully neutral. "When I was building my ÜberOven, I cut my hand on...something. I dunno, I get hurt on a lot of things." She stared at her palm a moment long, then held it up for further inspection by the Jaeger. "I think those things are poisonous." The two-inch gash had been obscured by the growth of a thick, bluish flesh, cool and rubbery to the touch, with a number of small wart-like bumps forming on and under the new skin. The blue had grown outward from the center of her palm to the edges of her hand to begin to wrap around back and creep up her fingers. Ivy waited for Jötz to take his turn, then went back to studying her hand herself by prodding with an unblemished finger. "It itches," she observed. Then, suddenly her face brightened and she looked at Jötz as gleefully as thought someone had offered her a puppy on Christmas morning. "[i]Do you think the tooth will fit in the gun?[/i]"