He gave a small laugh as he backed up slightly away from her to get distance between them. A pressence Alex felt before but not for centries ago and was pretty heated match up. Since back then he had troubles from his past Seraphim and she was just like the one he faced long ago. He tried not to make it clear he was slightly intimidated to face Isabella but he figured taking her on and beat her would defintely bring his rep up. As he looked at her figure and what kind of goodies she had on her as he would clap a little while speaking out. "I must commend you....you seemed to have killed off the people who were in charge of some of the local territories. Hearing stories of your unothrodox methods of taking out head members of gangs or factions." He said slightly amused and also to let her know that he has heard what she has been doing. "A hellish Seraphim such as yourself roaming about in [b]my[/b] town...has been a giant pain in my ass..." With a small glare at her as he holds up three of his right fingers as he begins to speak again. "I'll give you three options. One being that you get the hell out of my town and never to return again. Two being you stay here and become my bride....maybe even help me control the rest of this misreble world...." He said with a small wink before finishing what he has to say. "... And lastly, saying no to the first two options and die with me beheading you and taking it as my prize along of [i]what's left[/i] of your body." He said as he crossed his arms. He looked unprepard but it was clear that anyone looked at him that he has a trick up his slevee if anything would go wrong.