[img]http://i.imgur.com/P4YXqzD.png[/img] [u][b]Tagress: Hospital: Corridor outside Amy's room[/b][/u] [I]“No! No! Noooooo! Grandma, noooooooo!!!”[/I] The pitiful wails of Trent echoed throughout the entire Hospital, as Selan dragged the Boarder to the awaiting arms of the Head Nurse. Trent’s screams were short lived, as it wasn’t much longer before he was thrown atop the nurse’s lap and given the injection he had so desperately tried to escape. Seconds later, he collapsed, and slept soundly in the Recovery Ward’s room that he shared with the Pride, sucking on his thumb, oblivious to the distressed screams of his friends whom were subjected to Elaine’s soup… a soup so potent in its magical recovery and elixir properties… that it pushed back the Pride’s dismissing from the Hospital by another week. The weeks would slowly pass... however the Pride became stronger, and stronger, and drew ever closer to one another as time went by. Together, they shared in revelry and jokes, growing as close together as though they were a real family... a family truly united. And then, four weeks later…