Chess walked around the small cargo area of his ship that was blasting high paced punk-rock music while the auto-pilot made sure it was on course to the Yamato 01. He had plenty of space to fill and he would fill every last inch with anything he could sell, components, valuables, information and human remains if needed. He opened a metal locker that was filled with guns, ammunition and all sorts of explosives and other goodies. He picked a small caliber handgun, and tucked it into a compartment in his prosthetic leg, as well as a small knife. He then procured a compact SMG and several magazines and put them in the pack around his waist, along with a .45 handgun, and an archaic looking five-shot revolver. all of which fit comfortably in their respective holsters around his waist. He then reached in and pulled out a small metal contraption that fit in his hand, with slots for his fingers, he put it on and flicked his fist in a downward motion and a few metal plates slid out and locked into place, forming a gauntlet like knuckle over his hand. Chess shook his head approvingly and flicked it closed and stuck it in his leg. Satisfied with his selection of armaments he closed the locker, but not a second later he cussed and turned around and opened it again. He reached in and pulled out a small one-shot shotgun that looked like it was made from spare parts from more than one gun. He slid that into an empty holster and grabbed a box of shells and stuck them in his bag. He reached in and grabbed a sleek, but sturdy looking bullet-proof vest, there was a Velcro police patch on the front that had the 'P' and the 'O' faded and somewhat forcibly removed so it instead read 'LICE' he slid that on over his head and strapped it on tightly. He then reached in and pulled out a dark blue jumpsuit with a dark yellow line running down either side and slid it on over himself. On the chest it read "ARCSYS ENGINEERING" It was a cheap disguise but it was better than nothing. There was a good chance that he would run into people that were in the same building in him when he was denied a spot on a team, he hoped they wouldn't remember him provided he did run into them, because they wouldn't hesitate to arrest him, and he wasn't going back to prison anytime soon. The Auto-Pilot made a notification that they had reached the Yamato 01, Chess looked out his viewport and his mouth gaped slightly, the ship was massive. He might be here for a while. After a few minutes Chess's ship docked in Hangar 1001, and he stepped out into the belly of the beast, there was already a team in the bay, he was hoping he wouldn't run into people so early but fuck him for being so early right? Chess shook his head and cussed under his breath, the official Arcsys duffel bag and plasma cutter would hopefully convince them otherwise, he was prepared to say he was an Engineer come to reclaim small parts and make minor repairs, anything that would get them to leave him alone. For the time being he stayed off in the distance and made it look like he was busy inspecting various things.