[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ib4BPET.png[/img][/center] [b][u]Four weeks later Tagress: Guild[/u][/b] Four weeks had slowly… slowly passed. During that time, the Pride had recovered to the best of their abilities within that time. Those with minor injuries had fully recovered, including their spent magical abilities. Those whom had suffered far more worse, physical injuries, such as Celeste, Don, Marcus and especially Estelle, still suffered to various degrees. Estelle was still covered in a mishmash of bandages across her arms, legs and chest, but she looked less like a mummy now, and none obscured her face. She was able to leave the hospital and walk freely, but her body still ached and her muscles felt stiff. She was instructed by the hospital staff to take it easy, with her companions ordered to help with any of Estelle’s needs… but all involved had little doubt on what would inevitably happen. [img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] “Yahoo!!!” Estelle screeched, her arms thrust high in the air, celebrating her first day of freedom from the Hospital. Sitting at one of the Guild’s tables, before her was set a bevy of courses and dishes, all set to be tucked into and readily devoured by the hungry Estelle, who had grown tired of eating the same boring Hospital food and Elaine’s poisonous remedies. "All of this looks so, so yummy!" Estelle grinned from ear to ear, before picking up her cutlery and voraciously digging in to the soup and meat. She was seated with many of her friends, including Marcus, whose portions were considerably smaller and more respectable. He gave Estelle a happy, content smile, before he and their friend’s celebrations would begin. Nikki and Celeste quickly and enthusiastically dived into their portions too, as Julius quietly sipped on a cup of tea. Tiberius had said to the Pride, that everything they ordered was to be on his tab. He’d join them later in the night and explain what their next destination would be with regards to Rize and Kara’s whereabouts, however… he would likely not expect exactly how much the Pride had ordered. Not all of the Pride were in the Guild, however. Don had quietly excused himself as soon as the Pride was discharged, heading for somewhere quiet and alone to think and brood. Despite a month passing, he had still not gotten over what had happened between him and Selan. How he had hurt her, how he had fallen for Drusilla’s wickedly wiles and been turned against her… how he should have known and did better… and how much, despite all his resistance, he was treading the same path as his father… Trent was currently nowhere to be seen either…