[hider=Jack Riley] [center] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/4dae99def15d611c05d5d79808223d5b/tumblr_n1twn86F4A1rksur0o1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Jack Riley [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/602b6130621e71b7583fd0f3ff192c11/tumblr_n1u60e1XXG1r51oc9o1_500.gif[/img] 5'10 and still growing, with a perfectly balanced lean but muscular frame, it's a pretty much a fact that Jack is fucking flawless. He's got that perfect jaw line, smoldering blue eyes that can make anyone weak at the knees, and his hair game is strong. Jack's pretty confident about his looks, and he is very much aware of how he can use this to his advantage. Most of the time, he walks like he's the fucking king. Never mind, it's not just walking. He does [i]everything[/i] with a self-possessed grace that can easily intimidate anyone insecure. [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/74281c90f00c367f9e371a2dd9306293/tumblr_inline_n1wlp5OCg71sz8tk7.gif]x[/url] [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Grade[/b] Sophomore [b]Social Class[/b] Commoner [b]Social Class Explanation[/b] Dad's a journalist and mom's MIA, probably fucking some rich old geezer. Fastest way to a man's wallet is through his pants, right? Anyway, between him and his dad getting work wherever the can, they barely managed to make ends meet. But after his dad's stroke of genius, they've recently come into a lot of money, and they're starting to get a taste of luxury… --- [img] https://24.media.tumblr.com/25742214c85e507512dc7f1e7b25ead7/tumblr_n1tpz4gU851r6l4llo1_500.gif [/img] --- [b]Personality[/b] Let's set things straight: there's a bit too much yardage between the goal posts in this one. At first glance, it's not hard to see how Jack embodies a walking, talking jock stereotype. He's got that inherent athleticism and ripped body (plus great looks, of course) going for him, and the massive ego that goes along with it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know shit about the solar system or if it takes him twice as long to read a passage. What you call being a stupid, he calls being single-minded. The only reason Jack fails at academics is because he simply does not have time for it. No, his mind is too busy plotting and too valuable to store irrelevant information. In reality, Jack's memory is actually pretty amazing. He knows and remembers more details about his targets—Caelbury's precious students and staff—than you'd think possible. Jack's scarily perceptive, too. He's got a habit of staring, and because of the perpetual smug look on his face, it always seems like he's trying to undress you with his eyes. On a daily basis, Jack categorizes people in a hierarchy of usefulness. The more they can do for him, the better he treats them. It varies day to day and situation to situation, and he never treats anyone specially. Unless they prove themselves to be better as allies, of course, in which case he would stop all the bullshit and level with them. Jack is surprisingly pretty loyal as a friend, but you'd have to bulldoze layers of concrete walls before you can see that. In his middle school, Jack was pretty infamous for his wrath. Instinctive and aggressive by nature, he was easy to piss off and reacted violently about everything. No one had been safe from his anger. He wouldn't resort to physical violence (usually his verbal attacks were effective enough) unless he knows he won't get caught, but he has sent classmates to the hospital before. He's been suspended quite a few times too, although most certainly without proof (the fucking principal just liked to side with the richer families, no surprises there). In any case, everything from his record has been erased, so as far as anyone who background checks him knows, he has a clean slate. Now that he'll be going to Caelbury, he knows he has to put a leash on his hostility, or he won't get anywhere. He's learning to play innocent, but he doesn't want to be like those two-faced rich bitches, so he can still be pretty abrasive. But listen, he's not all horrible. Not really. If anything, he's actually admirable, given how driven he is. When Jack sets a goal, you better believe he'll do whatever it takes to accomplish it. It won't matter to him if destroys a few lives in the process, as long as he gets what he wants in the end. [i]Talk about great focus![/i] He grew up seeing the world as it is—cruel—and he has been responding accordingly. [i]Isn't he just the pragmatist?[/i] Jack knows more than anyone that those with power can destroy you with a snap of a finger, so he is hell bent on making sure that he'll be the one doing all the snapping. [i]Ambitious, too![/i] Oh, he's also fucking devoted to his family, so y'know, he'll probably be a good husband. [b]History:[/b] Before all this, Jack can't remember the last time he and his dad were happy. Or maybe he can, but he hates thinking about it because that bitch was still there and she ruined the memory. Anyway, before things turned to shit, his dad was actually a starry-eyed journalist with dreams of tackling news that really mattered. He had humble beginnings, starting out as a local sports editor for some third-rate newspaper, but he worked his ass off and he started getting promotions. His dad would say that he was so getting close to realizing his dream, he could practically touch it. Everything would be better from now on, he promised. But then some fuckwad in a Lamborghini screwed him over. After getting into a pretty bad accident in the freeway with said fuckwad, shit hit the fan. It turned out that the Lamborghini owner was a seventeen year old who got his license and car that very day. The whole accident was his fault, but when you have a thousand dollars in cash with you, you can make the police believe you're innocent. And as if he didn't do enough damage already, the teenager had come up with some bullshit story so his dad wouldn't kill him for totaling a 4.5 million dollar car. So this was the official story: Paparazzi Causes Car Crash, Teen Driver Hospitalized. Lawsuits happened right after (guess what teenage douchebag's dad worked as?), and before they knew it, his dad was sent to jail and they lost most of their savings after the whole process. Jack was sent to a foster home while his dad did time, and they didn't reunite until years later. It wasn't the best experience for him. He had to hop from family to family because he hadn't been "compatible" with any of them, and it made him really bitter. When his father was finally released, he ran away from his current foster family and they didn't even care. They even fixed all the papers for him. Only fifteen then, after he and his dad settled in a shabby home, Jack had decided to drop out of school and work odd jobs to help out his dad, who couldn't find a proper job because of his criminal record. Each day became a struggle to meet bills and find food. This was their living conditions for months, until finally, their luck started to change. His dad came home one day with bags of grocery and a big grin. He found a job, one that paid handsomely. All he had to do was investigate and report on scandals surrounding the country's top 1% (which was an extra incentive, considering they were comprised of entitled pieces of shit they've both come to hate), and many people were willing to pay big money for that. His first story was proof enough; he earned $2000 just for telling tabloids stories of that local celebrity that had been incarcerated in the same jail as him. For a few months, everything was perfect. Jack and his dad chased and sold story after story, and they got paid twice as much as the one before. They followed up on rumors about the Harrowling family and the MacQuarrie family, even sold a particularly scandalous embezzlement charge against the Wallenburg family. It turned out to be a false lead, but who cares? They got paid half a million for it. It was only recently that they realized there were dire repercussions when attacking the rich and powerful. More than once, members of the families they've scandalized have come close to finding the source of the stories, and threats of bodily harm loomed close behind. He and his dad had taken to living in motels and falsifying identities to keep pursuers off their tracks. By then, they've amassed at least three million just from leaking scandals, more than Jack thought they could earn, but his dad enjoyed living in the lap of luxury too much to let these baseless threats stop him. His dad had another stroke of genius, as well. The most prestigious school in the country was opening its doors to "commoners," people like his son whom they probably just want to put on a leash, so their spoiled heirlings will remain at the top. Caelbury Academy housed the crème of the crème, and elite families like the Herrings, Abbots, Sinclairs, and especially the Hawthornes would be easy targets there. It would be rife with scandals; incredibly easy pickings. And if Jack played his card right, he could even start a chain that will lead to the academy's eventual denigration. Fate seemed to be cheering them on. As it turned out, Jack was one of those randomly chosen to attend the school. They accepted his sob story for skipping out on school, and even put him back on track as a sophomore as long as he took extra classes. Things were kicking into gear. --- [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/7319b4ac90947d4929cfb1fd2bb2b55b/tumblr_n1nz9u2EIO1sg8qnbo1_500.gif[/img] --- [b]Extracurricular Activities[/b] ♟ Football ♟ Swimming ♟ Water Polo [b]Miscellaneous[/b] ♟ Has some basic hacking skills. ♟ Is currently setting up caelburyinformer.net, where all the latest and most scandalous Caelbury news will be posted. ♟ He keeps his phone with him at all times, and treats it like it's a friggin' treasure. It's what he uses to keep track of all the students and staff, and it's the only safe line he can use to talk to his dad. ♟ Hasn't had a real relationship. Doesn't have any real preferences (please,[i] everyone[/i] likes him). As long as he gets something out of it, then he doesn't really care if it's with a man or woman or whatever in between. [/center] [/hider]