Ignoring the smuggler's reprimand and the curses of the Twi'lek slave, who she didn't mind tagging along up until now. Apparently she didn't like the fact the shopkeeper was killed. Now Ruusaan contemplated silencing the slave for good, or throat-punching her, but she shrugged the notion off. It would only upset the smuggler, who was being useful right now. He found the part they needed, and if they were going to get off this hell-hole, she needed him to install it as well. [b]"Good thing we have you around. Right now best option is to go to spaceport control and disable the docking clamps, we can worry about finding a better ship after we get away from here."[/b] she said ready to bounce out the junk shop. She glanced to see Sektor throw his vibro-knife at a holocam, watching the espionage droid fall with it. She smiled, at least there was someone she could count on in this bunch. Ruusaan wondered what he looked like outside of his armor, not that she didn't like men in battle armor. Mandalorians revered it in tradition and heritage, though the tradition was becoming an endangered species. Mandalore is not what it once was. Civil war had divided its people. The clans were seperated. They haven't had a strong leader is ages. Even the Death Watch had fallen from glory. She turned her thoughts back to the mysterious bounty hunter. [b]"Nice work, now let's get out of here."[/b] Stepping outside, Ruusaan caught glance of one of Teemo's Gamorrean troops headed right towards the junk shop. It was most likely a response to the cantina incident. There were a dozen guards headed for them. [i]Great. more pigs.[/i] The Gamorreans weren't alone. Their leader was followed by a familiar old man, the very one she threatened earlier. [i]This time I won't make the same mistake twice.[/i]