WIP [b]Nation Name:[/b] Infriet Oloth [img=http://killthegoblinsavetheworld.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/drow.jpg] [b]Races of the Nation:[/b] Dark Elves Driders Black Orcs - Slave Race Dwarves - Slave Race Trolls - Slave Race [hider=Nation History:] Much of their history is lost but of those few records and annals of history that remain it seems it is agreed that once the Dark Elves of Infriet Oloth lived on the surface somewhere, but then a great calamity befell their ancestors and they were forced underground and forge a realm away from the sun. The oldest record ends with the foundation of the first underground city which has since then become the capital, some whisper that ancient Lich is as old as their very nation but he seems content to keep his knowledge of the past to himself, assuming he even remembers. More 'recent' records have survived, the subjugation of some Dwarf and Orc clanholds, forcing the survivors to be incorporated into the nation as slave races, the trolls that had been subjugated as heavy labour and shock troops by the Black Orcs were also added, where the Driders came from nobody recalls but their place in society has never been questioned and have been welcomed as equals, more or less. With world above, under the sun the people of Infriet Oloth have hardly anything in common, they shun the surface as best as possible, only allowing occasional trade but nothing else, preferring to make their claim on the world below, though granted there is good sport to find, hunt and take on the surface. But in the darkness below the surface, true horrors lie that keep their attention, things that watch them from the dark. There has been one other remaining record from the same age as the document that describes the first foundation of the capital, a document only known to the Council of Ten and the lich who keeps it in his possession. A document describing various races and threats encountered in the darkness, one chief among them, a race that inhabited some of the caverns the Dark Elves now inhabit, a race so vile and disgusting that it left them scarred for generations, just recovering from the shock of the short but brutal war that sprang forth as they and this adversary fought for territory. Where their name was listed on the document has been burned away and if the Lich knew it he is not willing to share the name, the one council member who dared to demand the knowledge was found the next day... in pieces... [/hider] [b]Important Characters:[/b] [hider= The Council of Ten] The Council of Ten is the governing body of Infriet Oloth, each member the ruler of a powerful Noble House in their subterranean domain, these members gained positions on this council due to their numbers of household guard, slave race regiments, holdings, wealth or magical power. Members come and go as one House become more powerful and a rival is... removed. The Current Members are: (M) Mercar, house KaZir (F) Jassin'Gva, house Lo (M) Pertark, house Van'Ra (F) Xanna, house Baenre (F) Lilith, house Sonna'Loth (M) Varrin, house Urden (M) Jarraxall, house Gehn'Zaj (M) Korohn, house Qzi'Moch (F) Crazja, house Uss (M) Astarn, house Be'Rssiq [/hider] [hider= Ze'zhuanth Uss] Ze'zhuanth Uss, the Ancient One as he is also called, none know hold many centuries he has lived, not to mention he is rarely seen, some whisper that he is the ruler of all Infriet Oloth, though the council of ten and any house patriarch or matron denies otherwise, the old lich himself does not claim either but when he ventures forth from one of his homes all pay homage to him out of fear and respect. Mage Abilities: Elemental Fire Elemental Earth Elemental Shadow Necromancy Death Magic Golem Creation [img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs28/PRE/f/2008/160/5/8/DnD4e__Lich__Original_Paints_by_Zubby.jpg] [/hider] [hider= Naream Baenre] A mage of some power and influence in the realm of the Drow in Infriet Oloth, boasting he was once a pupil of Ze'zhuanth for two decades, being taught the basics of Necromancy and Golemancy before his loyalties to his house called him away. Ambitious and eager to prove himself the mage in him wishes to learn always more, no matter the cost or whose lives might be harmed or lost in the process. Mage Abilities: Necromancy Golem Creation Elemental Earth [img=http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com/images/MDrow13.jpg] [/hider] [hider= Sah'Sahn Uss] A distant descendant of the lich Ze himself, she came into the world with a clear affinity for magic, like many of house Uss and her abilities grew, catching the attention of the old lich himself who showed her a few tricks and told her she had promise, before he cast her out to take a proper apprentice, in the form of Naream Baenre. Something that to this very day rankles Sah and made her consider Naream a rival. Mage Abilities: Death Magic Elemental Fire Elemental Shadow [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/237/1/e/1e9c038968cde9c53a6f8ec6051259b2-d5ce4ea.jpg] [/hider] [b]Traits:[/b] [hider=National Traits: 6] Agents Everywhere Manipulative Bread and Games Natural Architecture Masters of Horror Sellswords [/hider] [hider=Population Traits: 9] Brave Religious Talented Brutal Game Trails Aqueducts Tunneling Rats Know Your Place Chain Gangs [/hider] [hider=Academic Traits: 7] Medicine Schools Academy of Power University of War Tradesmen Academy Maps of the Hidden Paths Mine Map [/hider] [hider=Military Basic Traits: 5] Strategists Heavy Armour Superior Training Live off the Lands Drums, drums in the Deep [/hider] [hider=Archery Traits: 3] Crossbows Repeating Crossbows Archery Range [/hider] [hider=Infantry Traits: 5] Hold the Line Testudo Legion Swordsman School Weapon Academy [/hider] [hider=Cavalry Traits: 3] Self-Sufficient Masterful Cavalry Beast Cavalry, large riding lizards [/hider] [hider=Airborne Traits: 1] Mageflight [/hider] [hider=Tradesman Traits: 4] Ranchers Master Smiths Master stonemasons Trackers [/hider] [hider=Merchant Traits: 3] Exotic trade Goods Underground Markets Slavers [/hider] [hider=Magecraft Traits: 10] Arch-Spellcaster Elemental Fire Elemental Earth Elemental Shadow Apprenticeships Necromancy Death Magic In Power Reanimated Golem Creation [/hider] [hider=Monster Traits: 7] Umber Hulks Balhannoth Hook Horror Hydras Sorcerous Bindings Beast Armour [/hider] [hider=Flaws: ] Abrasive Afraid of Water Bloodthirsty Untrustworthy Bound by Tradition [/hider] [b]Custom Traits[/b] Custom Trait 1: [b]Underdark Legacy[/b] They have been living beneath the surface for centuries, carving a small empire under the surface dwellers, making them quite skilled at adapting their surroundings to their whim (Grants this nation to get Subterrean provinces for 4 points, required a second Flaw, no extra trait allowed). Custom Trait 2: [b]Underdark Paths[/b] Water is a bane to them… but why would one need to master travel over water when the Dark Elves have mastered passages in the world below, knowing tunnels and routes that will lead anywhere, even under oceans… now all they need to do is find a way out to the surface... Custom Flaw 1: [b]Slave Regiments[/b] Besides the Driders the other races in Infriet Oloth are slave races, pressed into service and war as cannon fodder for the most part, they need to be kept under firm control… because if certain people might get the idea of inciting rebellion then a large part of their military might end revolting and taking up arms against the Dark Elves. Custom Flaw 2: [b]The Light it Burns Us[/b] Ruling the world below is fine but in the generations of living under the surface has made the races of Infriet Oloth rather sensitive to the light on the surface, being at a severe disadvantage in prolonged surface battles. Territory: Subterranean Capital City Province - Ssussun wun Oloth Subterranean Large City Province - L'Zhennu Har'ol 6 Subterranean Support Provinces Subterranean Fortress Province - S'argt d'l'Menvis 4 Subterranean Support Provinces Subterranean Citadel Province - Har'ol d'Thalack 2 Subterranean Support Provinces 4 Support Forest (Surface Exit) Provinces 1 Plains (Surface Exit) Province [b]Army:[/b] Total RP: 200 2 (200) Royal Guard Dark Elf Legions - 16 RP 6 (600) Elite Dark Elf Repeater Crossbow Regiments - 24 RP 4 (400) Elite Beast/Riding Lizard Cavalry - 36 RP 3 (300) Dark Elf Revenant Legions - 21 RP 3 (300) Experienced Drider Infantry Regiments - 15 RP 3 (300) Experienced Drider Ranged Regiments - 15 RP 8 (800) Black Orc Experienced Legions - 40 RP 4 (400) Experienced Dwarf Repeater Crossbow Regiments - 12 RP 2 (200) Experienced Dwarf Infantry Regiments - 6 RP 5 (500) Troll Infantry Regiments - 15 RP [b]Command:[/b] Total CP: 50 1 Dark Elf Lich Arch Mage - 21 CP 2 Dark Elf Mages - 14 CP 2 Dark Elf Great Nobles - 10 CP 1 Drider General - 5 CP [b]Monsters:[/b] Total MP: 100 (due to no airforce monsters, Kadaeux has allowed me to double the MP) 4 Hydras - 20 MP [hider= Image][img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/9/r169_457x256_2990_Hydra_your_days_are_over_2d_fantasy_monster_adventure_battle_creature_dragon_rpg_beast_fight_hydra_picture_ima.jpg][/hider] 24 Balhannoths - 30 MP [hider= Image][img=http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l83/legking/Balhannoth.jpg][/hider] 40 Umber Hulks - 40 MP [hider= Image][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4BmGwwnTT6c/TfKgidW0KYI/AAAAAAAAAKs/k-i8hoNScC4/s1600/umberhulk10.jpg][/hider] 20 Hook Horrors - 10 MP [hider= Image][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/218/5/1/The_Hook_Horror_by_noahbradley.jpg][/hider] 10 Golems (1 Mage) [hider= Image][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/276/f/1/loc___golem_regular_by_alexnegrea-d5go9wt.jpg][/hider] 20 Advanced Golems (1 Lich Archmage) [hider= Image][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/276/f/6/loc___golem_advanced_by_alexnegrea-d5go9ol.jpg][/hider]