[quote=Kaga]Eh, I guess Mickey and Martha just weren't as popular. Though you're right that there isn't much of an excuse for Jack. Although, I did hear an amusing theory that the reason why Jack wasn't around at all during Matt Smith's run is because Moffat can't kill him. Hopefully he'll show up during Capaldi's run. I really have no basis for this theory; it's just a hope.[/quote] I realize Mickey and Martha aren't as popular. So much though on Mickey's part you get stuff like this. [img]http://i.imgur.com/qxPyX1J.jpg[/img] I don't see a Mickey there! :P But I like both of them more than say Rose. Rose was always dependent on the Doctor and I didn't like her right at the end scene of episode 1 with Christopher Eccelson. With the scene where she says to Mickey "Thanks", he asks for what and she goes "Exactly" and runs off. I mean what the hell!? He did nothing wrong to you, why does she need to go ahead and treat him like shit!? From right there I really disliked here and gained a lot more respect for Mickey cause I could completely relate to him caring a ton about a girl who quite clearly doesn't give two shits about you, but you keep going cause you care that much. But that may just be me bringing personal experiences into Doctor Who. Martha on the other hand had growth, she started as a promising doctor and after being with the Doctor for so long her life turned around completely and she became a very skilled and disciplined member of the military against aliens. Many people saw this as a sad thing, but I saw it more as personal growth and Martha finding a new calling and learning more about herself. Both deserved more justice than they were given. As for Jack, we can only dream. :) [quote=ShonHarris]I really wanted to see more Mickey and Martha because of this return of UNIT in new form. We saw the bulk of the organization be wiped out between Nine and Ten (Slyveen + ATMOS), but when it comes to the modern UNIT there's the daughter of some general from Classic Who, but no Jack, Martha, or Mickey. I agree some characters should be given time to breath and perhaps brought back later for giggles from at that point long-time Whovians, but why not feature them as the new foundation for UNIT's leadership. It's not like the group is constantly in the show anyway.[/quote] They still deserved a better exit/conclusion than they got. I mean they didn't even get final words, but rather David Tenant watching them for a moment and than vanishing in the TARDIS. My issue isn't so much that they did stop seeing the doctor once Matt Smith happened, but rather they didn't get an explanation as to why like Rose, Amy, Rory or Donna did. It just makes no sense why the Doctor can't see them again, he basically just abandoned them. [quote=ShonHarris]These are people who proved themselves as two of the most badass characters in the Whoverse, both trekking the Earth and fending off the occupation without the help of the Doctor (Rickey + Cybermen & the Year that Wasn't). The fact they got married pretty much means we have the human-equivalent of a Doctor Couple just jaunting about.[/quote] Which I find to be awesome and makes them far better and more interesting characters than say Rose whose basically been painted as the Doctor's main companion and love interest until River came along (Thank god for River. She's my second favourite character of all time and her backstory combined with the reverse timeline plot with Matt Smith was just amazing). [quote=Vortex]Wait... Jack is gay? Hmm... Makes sense I suppose, should have picked up on that.Now call me old fashioned but I really hated Moffat and his writing. He constantly made poor decisions for the series making it so that they could capitalise on possible merchandise (All them coloured daleks remember?) and making it much more family friendly so they can broaden their fan base (In the old days a ally of the doctor would die each episode! Now that's entertainment!).[/quote] I didn't even catch the bit in the show where it was addressed it was so casual. I found out from a confession from John combined with the fact they state it openly in Torchwood saying one time during dinner that Jack is gay. As for the coloured Daleks? Yea, those were stupid looking. I liked the previous Daleks much better and I'm so glad they switched back to them for the most part afterwards. And I still need to see more of the old Doctor Who Episodes, but from what I've seen of Tom Baker it's a far more mature, logical and honest look at life and adventuring. To the point I've seen people pull quotes from him on serious topics such as religion where if people saw Doctor today say it they'd probably petition to get him off the air for insensitivity or inappropriateness or something. Which makes me even more eager to get started on watching more of Tom Baker! XD [quote=ShonHarris]@Vortex: Depends on what you mean by 'family-friendly'. Moffat has fingers in Torchwood and Who, and I'd say both have had extremely dark themes that I wouldn't really consider totally wholesome. Really, Nine and Ten are both often dark, heavily critiquing of society, and often explore the idea of the Doctor scarred by the Time War. Eleven was totally child-like for a while though, and I'm glad they went that route. Who should dance between dark and mythic. I definitely agree that it'd be nice to see some other perspectives guiding Who.[/quote] I always see it this way, I like Matt Smith the best as the doctor and how he act's and plays him. But I like the general plot hooks and story of Christopher Eccelson and David Tenant better. But I know throwing Matt Smith in those plots wouldn't of worked as well, the general more dark story would get in the way of his charm too much. I like both the dark and light stories of the doctors, and I enjoy all their performances over all. Hell I might of even said David Tenant was my favourite, but his [u]constant[/u] habit of making a grunt like noise with thinking and hitting his head a lot bothers me way to much to put him there. So much so that although I still like him as a Doctor I rank him the lowest out of all the Doctor's I've seen so far. [quote=ShonHarris]When Moffat declared we weren't ready for a 'black or female Doctor', my love for him bottomed out. I'm ready for another lead if only for the possibility for that we'll see a non-Caucasian male Doctor sooner than later.[/quote] A black doctor I can agree with, he change's in age and such all the time. The actors were not all the exact same skin colour anyways (all white, but shades and such varied) so I don't see how a black one would be unbelievable. Just make sure the actor works and you're not getting him just for being black... or the show will die fast. A female doctor though? I don't know, I'm not sure how regeneration works but I'm pretty sure it sticks the person to the same sex. They'd have some explaining lore wise to do if the doctor ever became a woman.