Name: Flint White Nickname: (None) Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance(s): [img=] Abilities: Manipulate Metal Species: human Personality: Funny and mischievous at times but also can be serious and quick witted. He loves how much of the world he can manipulate around him and can sometimes get angry at others. Likes/dislikes: Likes - Using his power Dislikes -People who think they are better than others. Sexual orientation: Bi Other: [I] "Nice braces, you should make sure you don't say something I don't like." [/I] Dorm: 4 Name: Stephanie Heart(Ms Heart to pupils) Nickname: Nurse Age: 39 Gender: Female Species: Human Appearance(s): [img=] Abilities: Can heal any wound. Class you teach: N/A If staff, what are you?: Nurse Likes: Helping others. Dislikes: People hurting one another. Other: [I]"You would think a school full of powers would have LESS injury..."[/I] Sexual orientation(optional) Straight.