Tatsuki lets the silence stretch on, the comfort he now holds in the man next to him letting him eat in peace. However as more and more dish is seen, and less and less food, the shinigami can feel eyes on him. Eyes that he does not wish to respond to, however when the gazes stay despite his lack of response he lets out a sigh. He quickly finishes his last dish, hoping to leave before the ones behind the staring have the chance to swoop in, but he fails miserably. Watching Shigetoshi walk away after making an odd little noise Tatsuki shakes his head. [i]'I'm being abandoned to the wolves! Shigetoshi-kun you traitor!'[/i] The over-the-top accusation in his brain is enough to bring a smile to his lips as he addresses the girls. “In my travels one in never sure where the next meal comes from. Also, being a cook allows one to not only get free meals as often as not, it lets one meet many interesting people. It's a skill that's very handy, and I learn quickly.” His voice is smooth and earnest and he watches as they keep their attention so completely. The simplicity of their instincts however loses his interest rather quickly and before they can raise another question Tatsuki rises and gives them a little bow. “Forgive me. I would like to help clean up the mess I helped make this evening, if you will excuse me.” They let out twin whines but after a few seconds the skitter over to their table and begins stacking their dishes. All around the room the remaining dishes find their way into piles as he grabs the second platter. Gathering the rest of the dishes Tatsuki smiles as he receives many more compliments on his cooking, and with one last look around the room he wanders off down the hall to the kitchen. [i]'That was easier than I thought. I should be careful, they may have more devious plans in mind for later tonight. I should have checked when I had the chance. . . .'[/i] Letting out a long sigh he shakes his head at the girls actions and shallow motivations, turning around so he can push the door to the kitchen open without disrupting the platter. Giving Shigetoshi a smile he sets the platter down on the preparation table and sets to work cleaning. Before the other can protest Tatsuki chimes in. “That was fun. I can not wait to help out again. It is always good to see smiling faces, even when they are smiles of hunger for a poor defenseless somebody. . . .” He lets his sentence trail off gently, an obvious light hearted note in his voice..