Kaitlyn sat in the shuttle peacefully going over her rig. She paid close attention to her surge protectors. every inch of this rig looked ready to fail. It was one of her signature Junker Rigs. She didn't think it would be wise to bring her only "High" tech rig. She began looking around at who was here she had been given basic data on those who she would be working with. "Zeta squad." She knew enough to know that means Z-squad meaning at least 2 other squads had been sent probably more. She was travelling with a man in an obvious military environment suit, a robot she intended to get to know, there was a kid with them, and then there was their great leader. He looked strong but she doubted that he could handle what was up here. She heard Sam talking, but wasn't paying her any attention. She began attaching her re-breather to her face and checking its charges. That was when that person overwrote the comms. “KONICHIWA! <3 I see some more friends have come to play!” Sammie’s transmission was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a young woman’s voice full of energy. “Oh, didn’t you know? You aren’t the first Yamato sent. They’ve been looking for their precious multi trillion dollar chunk of rotting steel for 7 years! Will our new contestants fair better than the last poor saps whose heads are hanging on Raijin’s flag pole? Tune in to find out! Fufufufu” Then Sam came back. Someone mentioned a lightning rod, "No you don't need a lightning rod on a ship like that. I think that might have been a warning about what we will be facing so I expect Tesla Rifles, or Railers" She packed her rig back in her bag and was ready when they dropped into the hangar. She climbed out and saw "No Gods," She replied with "No Masters. It is painted on the side of my old workshop." She looked around realizing there wasn't anything her eyes could pick up so she blinked twice triggering her eyes paradigm shift into electro sight. She saw pulses of electricity in the walls. With this activation her eyes began glowing Purple The two military men began deciding on the formation to use. "No, If we use a diamon formation I won't be the one in the middle we have 8 which means that we would have to line up like this." She took a screwdriver out of her bag and etched into the ground. X XX XXX XX "Being in the middle Is safest but It extremely restricts the visual range. And while pretty boy there has an array of military scanners I doubt he has what my eyes can do. The ability to see electricity. I would actually reccomend we use an echelon formation."