Naturally, with Akira being in the wrong spot, her normal guide didn't get to her in time... and the white-haired girl set off to reach the stage alone, thus ensuring that however she arrived, it would be either late or completely inappropriate. Those few people that grasped how terrible her sense of direction truly was were eternally glad that she wasn't stronger or with some other means of causing mass property damage, as she'd probably end up going through walls simply because she couldn't find doors. And, of course, there was only one place that she could show up without being lost all day. She was somehow on the stage, where even Archie loomed over her, literally rather than figuratively. "Ah, in the right place after all." [hider]So, what's the chance that Archie actually knows who she is? I assume he shows up to class [i]sometimes[/i] to count as third year. :p[/hider]