The year is 2075 and world we have all known and loved has change in many aspects. One of those aspects is the human race as become aware that the world isn't as black and white as it seems, especially when a strange craft crash into the ocean. All around the world; scientist, deep-sea divers and welders, and military forces sent their best people out to the area. Within weeks these few where able to savage the strange craft and have it token to an undisclosed location. Once there astronomers and technology specialist worked to figure out the advancements and quickly found themselves no longer alone in the universe, and way behind in technology. Fearing an invasion the world governments came up with an a plan know as Night Storm, where willing individual immersed themselves in the alien tech. Hundreds of military, scientist, astronomers, and people considered genius tried to learn the tech but all fail. That is until a strange message arrived at NASA via satellite. The message was almost human, but more complex and asked for the return of the craft. Knowing the other races advantage and still having no idea about the tech, the government refused to give in. A couple of months went by and the studies continued, the message long forgotten that is until strange lights echoed through the sky in almost lighten like flashes. The government hid it under a cover up story, as they dug deeper. Quickly they realized that all the lights had happened over expecting parents homes. Instead of inducing panic the government start to watch everything having to do with these people. But when a government official figure out that his son’s unborn child is among the many others, he leaks a top secret military plan known as Night Storm. The document reviled that the government had monitored children all around the world. The rumors caused confusion for many, others saw it as other conspiracy bull, but to the hundreds of people whose children were on the document worry started to sit in. However, as years passed and nothing ever came to light the threat was long forgotten. None of them is realizing how completely wrong they were until the children started to go into puberty. On the children's 14th birthday strange black vehicles started to show up in the dead of night ripping the children from their parents. Many of the children were over looked as runaways. However, for those of the parents that had seen the madness a threat of imprisonment was used to quite them. But some parents started to make plans to keep their children safe. Their plans were to change the child's name, forge documentation, and send the child away. The plan had gone as plan, allowing dozens of the children to escape. But none could image the damage that the act could cause, after these children started to reach maturity. Believing they were protecting their children they acted, but they were condemning them. Their children weren't normal children, and as time goes on they come to see how abnormal they truly are. In fear of the population’s safety a group forms to hunt these children down, but they might be more than they bargain for especially when they realize who and what they are and how truly powerful they are. [hider=Need to know information] All the kids have Telekinetic, photographic memory, along with some telepathic abilities. They also each possess an elemental ability. The Telekinetic and Telepathic abilities are needed to operate the weaponry. The Photographic memory makes them easy to train and remember the enemies’ tactics. But the Elemental power is more or less and safety major, kind of like a squid inking to get away. They can easily be overpowered by electricity and the government has developed special restraints for this. [/hider]