[hider=Torvald][centre] [b][Name][/b] Ishiki Yuuhi [b][Username][/b] Torvald [b][Age][/b] 22 [b][Ethnicity][/b] Japanese [b][Appearance][/b] [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130323204637/bleach/en/images/5/57/Fat_Ghost.jpg] Yuuhi is not blessed with a handsome face, nor a spectacular body. He is quite short and fat, standing at around 5"6", with average length scruffy back hair and the beginnings of a patchy beard. His sole distinguishing feature is his glasses, both in-game and in real life. [b][Sexuality][/b] Uncertain, but will tease/flirt/make advances on anyone he finds interesting/amusing. ________________________________________ [b][Level][/b] 13 [b][Pref. Weapon][/b] Weapon: One-handed Axes Weapon Class: One-handed Curved Blade Current Skill Level: 325/1000 [b][Fighting style][/b] Torvald's brand of fighting is a mix of steady DPS and off-tanking. His movements are fast enough that he can avoid many attacks, while his armour is thick enough to take a pounding, allowing him to wade into the thick of the enemy. Despite his portly body, he can move surprisingly fast when he needs to. [b][Health Points][/b] (calculated by the GM depending on your stats) [b][General Stats][/b] • Strength - 395/1000 • Movement Speed - 325/1000 • Parry - 400/1000 • Shield - 1/1000 • Agility - 230/1000 • Battle Healing - 300/1000 • Perception - 300/1000 • Hide - 1/1000 • Tracking - 1/1000 [b][Profession Stats][/b] • Blacksmithing - 1/1000 • Fishing - 250/1000 • Cooking - 1/1000 • Tailor - 100/1000 • Gathering - 40/1000 ________________________________________ [b][Personality][/b] In the real world, Yuuhi is the epitome of the unappreciated working class. He keeps his eyes down, works hard and spends lightly. When not working he avoids others, preferring the comfort and safety of his own home and the non-judgmental eyes of his game figures and posters. Torvald, on the other hand... Yuuhi's online persona is a radically different person, almost unrecognisable in attitude and mannerisms. He is outgoing, cheerfully sarcastic and the most openly perverted gentleman to grace the fine land of Aincrad. He has bouts of flamboyant prancing, overt sexual harassment and plain old randomness. It is hard to tell whether this is Yuuhi's true self or if it is just an act, but where his face may lose favour with others, his online persona makes up for it twice over. [b][Biography][/b] Not everyone is born to greatness or achieves it in life. Most people live out their lives in mediocrity, never realising their dreams or achieving anything of note. Ishiki Yuuhi is one of these people. His parents were factory workers, like their parents before them and (assuming he ever had the chance to have them) his children would be the same. School was a so-so affair for Yuuhi, with no great or terrible memories, nor any particularly good friends or enemies. Straight out of school he started working on a production line and has stood by the same four foot patch of conveyor belt for the last four years, on minimum wage and with no promotion prospects. As with many young people in his situation, Yuuhi turned to the internet as a surrogate social life, dabbling in various online games, forums and chat boards. For a while he drifted, never really engaging with the community or making lasting friendships, until one drunken night playing an old MMO with a new party. The exact details of what transpired on that fateful raid are long forgotten, lost to the aether and a copious amount of absinthe. When he emerged the next morning, Yuuhi had discovered something new and frightening deep within himself... [i]A sense of humour.[/i] He went on to develop his new online personality, going through stages of flamboyancy, magnanimosity, even hyper-sexuality, before finally settling down into the persona he wears online today; Torvald, the drunken, debauched Viking of dubious virtue. Over time gaming became his one and only hobby, the sole reason he even bothered to work. The announcement of Sword Art Online was like an offer from God to transcend his mortal coil, to leave 'Yuuhi' behind forever and be born again... as Torvald. Naturally he pre-ordered everything and was one of the first to log in when SAO went live. ________________________________________ [b][Weapons/Armor][/b] Weapon: Torvald wields a single [url=http://www.southernswords.co.uk/ekmps/shops/southernswords/images/viking-celtic-bearded-battle-axe-8th-century-scandinavian-%5B2%5D-2322-p.jpg]Long-hafted Axe[/url] for it's speed and versatility. Unlike many one-handed weapon users, he doe not use a shield however, preferring to keep his left arm free to grab and pull enemies in close. This is solely so that he can have the pleasure of headbutting them. Armor: [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LvE05b-bzTQ/Uo_ZLMWuGUI/AAAAAAABOY0/aGk2WVQolAM/s1600/Volstagg+armour+thor+dark+world.jpg]Steel half-plate and chainmail,[/url] covered in swashes of fur trim. [b][Items - Consumable and Misc][/b] Col = 2500 (Torvald's money doesn't last long. Most ends up in the hands of bartenders...) Torvald's income comes primarily from the fish he catches and sells to skilled cooks. His fishing level is high enough that he can collect some fairly high class ingredients, some of which fetch a high price among connoisseurs. 1x Healing Crystal 2x Teleport Crystal 1x Record Crystal (Primarily used to take drunken selfies) 1x Message Record Crystal (Full of the philosophical ramblings and pseudo-scientific theories of an inebriated Torvald) 4x Cheap Healing Potions [b][Other][/b] I'll stick a Rule 7 in here too. [/centre][/hider] I'll edit the numbers soon.