[b][i]Kingdom of Belmorn[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] King Marhorn Dryadson I (Elven) and Regent Guardian Constance IV (Human) [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Population:[/b] 80,000 humans/45,000 Elves/10,000 Half-Elves [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<600 Elves>/ - /<1,000 Humans>// - /<3,000 Elven Militia>/// [/indent] [b]Population Happiness:[/b] 50% [b]Imports:[/b] Cattle (Erimir) [b]Exports:[/b] Wheat (Jouria), Lumber (Erimir) [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:[/b]Erimir [b]Cease Fires:[/b] Jouria [/hider] [center][u][b]Regent Guardian Constance IV Quells the Riots[/b][/u][/center] After the Fengarde’s Elven quarter suffered severe damage from looters and rioters, the Regent Guardian has finally decided to respond. His apparent hesitation to react to the situation has been blamed for the loss of several livelihoods, sparking a mass exodus of Fengarde’s Elven population. The Fengarde militia has deployed on the streets in force to keep order, and hundreds of humans have been arrested for various crimes ranging from destruction of property to racial assault. However, there is the feeling that relations within the Human-Elven alliance have been dramatically worsened as a result of this incident. Luckily, no lives have been lost. King Dryadson has announced his displeasure of events, and though he has avoided holding Constance IV directly responsible, he has said ‘these happenings should have been managed better’. Hadelmere Hold is preparing a temporary refugee camp to accommodate the influx of Elves fleeing Fengarde. The Glade Watchers are to remain in place at several key points around the city, to monitor the situation. [center][u][b]Queen’s Coronation Announced [/b][/u][/center] King Dryadson, and Regent Guardian Constance IV, in what many see as an effort to quell the country’s internal issues, have agreed to move Alistine’s coronation to early next week. Little is known of what form the ceremony will take, but there are rumours amongst the population that the Halflingfolk to the west are bringing some of life’s finer entertainment for the occasion. This will surely be a joyful occasion, and the joint rulers are hoping that the festive period that follows will heal some of the wounds that have been opened over the past few weeks. The voices of the critics, however, are growing bolder. Many want answers as to why the succession process has been handled with such a delay, given that tensions in Fengarde, and Constance IV’s apparent hostility, have been allowed to blossom. [center][u][b]King Dryadson Sends Envoys to Elslen Over Slaving[/b][/u][/center] King Dryadson has dispatched envoys to the Orcish realm of Elslen, with the intent on parlaying with the chieftains there over their slaving ways. It is known that several of Belmorn’s citizens, both Elves and Humans, have been kidnapped from the border regions over the years and forced into lives of hard labour. Though Belmorn is a monarchy without parliament, the idea of enslavement is held in low regard within both House Ferren and House Talian (Elven royal house). This has been an issue that has been burning at the heart of Belmorn-Elslen relations for over a decade, but has seldom been pressed. In a highly unconventional move by the Elven King, Dryadson has assembled 3,000 of his peoples into a militia. These soldiers, though lightly armoured, carry bows and spears and are well versed in the use of both. They have marched upon the borderlands in what many see as a show of strength, to put stone behind the words of his envoys. King Dryadson himself has taken personal control of this new force, but has left his much more battle-ready and elite Glade Watchers to oversee things in Fengarde. [center][u][b] The Republic of Erimir Embassy Established in Hadelmere Hold [/b][/u][/center] Before his departure to the border regions, King Dryadson announced with great delight the establishment of Belmorn’s first foreign embassy in over twenty years. The former Scarlet Palace, an elaborate work of reddened clay and slate, has been donated to the Republic of Erimir to be used as their embassy. The structure is to be treated as Erimir’s sovereign territory, and has been assigned an honour guard of King Dryadson’s personal soldiery for security purposes. The Halflings of Erimir have long been considered a neutral but friendly peoples during the darker years following Bohaddon’s fall. However, such was Belmorn’s dire state in terms of border security for much of those years, relations were limited and have only now been reopened in full. The two peoples have agreed upon the trade of lumber for cattle. It is hoped that the injection of much needed livestock will boost the population's happiness long term, as meat sales become cheaper and more varied.