“Die!” A soft blue glow made Seira look up. At the very last minute she kicked upwards and parried the oncoming blow. Icy splinters flew everywhere. The King staggered backwards and she rolled over to the side. She didn’t give her opponent the chance to react. She side stepped him and ran to her partner. She arrived in the nick of time. Another King was about to decapitate her partner! Seira delivered a swift kick to the back of man’s head. The would-be killer fell to the ground with a muffled thud, but it wasn’t long before he was trying to get back up. The medical student removed her rings and tossed them into the air. She clenched her fists, and the chakrams form spokes that met at the center. Two rather imperfect shields. She waved her hands frantically in front of her. Nami and Nagi orbited rapidly round Seira and Camron forming a temporary dome-like barrier to protect the partners from any potential attacks. There was an odd buzzing coming from the spinning rings and occasional clinking when they collided. She fell to her knees besides the teen lying on the ground. [i]Surely he realized they were in danger.[/i] She turned him over so that he lay on his back. His vacant eyes staring up at the night sky above. She began shaking him. Her anxiety was mounting. She heard metal striking against metal. She lay against Camron as sparks flew around them. The king was trying to break through her barrier. “Camron! You got to get up.” More sparks showered all over them. She didn’t even wince when the hot sparks touched her exposed skin. Tiredness had numbed the pain. Sparks! She should try resuscitating him. Seira felt her palms grow warmer as she rubbed them rapidly. She was secretly amazed that she even had any energy left after the last fight. “Clear!” Electricity burst from her palms pressing against his chest. Camron jerked. Still he wasn’t responding. Seira bit her lip and channeled even more energy into her palms. His entire body arched. She wrinkled her nose as she smelled the burning fabric around her partner’s chest. Her fingers travelled to his neck. He was still alive. “What the…” The king gaped as a huge electric surge burst from within the dome. The poor man was blinded. The charged chakrams moved even faster than ever. A huge collision sent both of them flying in opposite directions. Nagi sliced through his throat wide open. He gurgled as blood spurted out of the wound. Small rivulets tricked down the sides of his mouth as he collapsed onto the ground. The yellow aura faded from the broadsword on the ground beside its now deceased master. The blond Asylum blinked as he sat crossed legged on the ground. The scenes unfolding before his eyes were like a silent movie. He was torn between amusement and horror. What was he supposed to do? He moved to the side only to bump into something. His hand reached down. His fingers brushed against cool damp skin and he pulled them back. He turned and stared. Seira was lying unconscious right beside him. [i]What the hell just happened?!?[/i] Was she caught in that blast too? Frantically he tried to see if she was dead. Yet he couldn’t tell. There was no pulse. Nothing! The panicking teen didn’t even notice that his black haired partner was still breathing.