[b][i]Freywyn[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] Toryllis Brosca / Unitary State [/b] [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] ~300,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<10,000>/[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<20>/<10><5>//[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 80%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b]Horses / Cattle [b]Exports:[/b]Stone / Gold [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b]- [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] Requa Republic [b]Cease Fires:[/b]- [/hider] [center][b][u]Machinations[/u][/b][/center] Toryllis stood at the top of Admeryn's fort with the whole city under his gaze. It's been almost a week since the Queen embarked on her journey to faraway lands, carrying gifts and promises of great prosperity to the unknown rulers of mysterious nations. Frankly, Toryllis wasn't even sure that their 25-year-old maps were still useful yet that didn't stop her. [i]«I got 'em, the warmaidens you asked for. Without a family or a House, dead or alive they matter to noone.»[/i] Viranna whispered behind him, her steps as silent as they could be as she approached him. [i]«Get them equipped and ready to leave by afternoon. Am certain the Vigil knows how to treat this kind of mission.»[/i] [i]«That we do, pup, that we do. Is that all?»[/i] [i]«Yes.»[/i] [i]«Almost forgot, consider my debt payed in full, King of Freywyn. You are the only one aware of our cell here therefore if word gets out, it's your head on the line.»[/i] The woman left as soon as she was done speaking with little regard for an answer, leaving Toryllis stranded in his thoughts as she had much to do and an extremely tight schedule. [center][b][u]Ambassador Roran Hakwin[/u][/b][/center] He was nervous. He didn't show it but Gods knew how difficult it was for him to accept the mission and venture into these mysterious lands of an even more mysterious race. [i]«Lord Oblivion and esteemed Whispers.»[/i] The candle was burning brightly in his hands, the only thing keeping the maddening darkness of the who-knew-how-big chamber at bay. Beyond him, everything had been swallowed by the dark yet he knew that the eyes of 100 men were fixed on him. [i]«I am Ambassador Roran Hakwin, representative of the proud Republic of Requa. For too long have we been strangers in the same neighborhood, ignorant of each other and what good relations could offer us. And for that reason, we honored your invitation and chose to appear here today and inform you of the first deal of hopefully many to come between our nations.»[/i] Roran was certain that he would be the man of the hour back home, surrounded by everyone of importance in order to hear his story of how he met their infamous neighbours and struck a deal which got them far more than it got Freywyn. Or at least that was what Lord Toryllis had led him to believe. [i]«The Republic has agreed to provide Freywyn with horses and cattle as well as advanced techniques on breeding and sustaining a viable population in exchange for gold.»[/i] [i]«Freywyn in turn formally agrees to these terms and also accepts the request of Requa for embassies in each nation's capital city.»[/i] a voice replied from the shadows, sealing the deal and turning a new page in their history. [center][b][u]Near Uaruneria[/u][/b][/center] [i]«We can't simply stay here, Milady. Who knows what kind of threats lurk in these foreign waters or what the weather will be like in a day or two!»[/i] [i]«We can take the risk and stay here but we cannot risk trespassing into the lands of the very rulers whose house will shelter us!»[/i] she replied angrily as they had been fighting regarding their next course of action for at least half an hour now. Only time could tell what would happen next although she had a very bad feeling about those ships with the black sails they spotted in the horizon.