When Kaden left all those years ago. He hide and stayed hidden. He found a small little farming town up in Canada to hide out in. He thought he could live there forever and just move on with this life. However, when he realized he had stopped aging around his early 30’s he knew something was wrong. He moved around Canada for a while trying different doctors to see what was wrong with him. No one could give him an answer. So he moved back down into the states knowing that maybe someone could give him an answer. He found it in New Orleans, Louisiana. A cruse had been placed on him, the type that would only go away if he faced the woman or the family of that woman. Rebecca Abate could be the only person who could have so much hate for him. The woman he loved so much betrayed him after he betrayed her by running away. Kaden left Louisiana and jumped around the country looking for Rebecca but learned she had died long ago. However, she had to still have family around. It was what the old woman said. It was only about two months ago that he stopped back into the old woman who told him about the cruse when she said that a young girl with the name of Riley would be moving to this very town soon. Kaden knew this would be his chance. The woman had always been right the few times he had gone to see her. After doing some digging he found out the last name he had been looking for had changed. Not just once but twice. Rebecca had moved on with her life yet still cursed Kaden, only adding to his hatred for the woman. The day she moved into her new apartment Kaden watched from the parking lot across the street at a local coffee shop. Sighing to himself he closed his eyes and leaned back his car chair and fell asleep having set a early alarm to try and catch the girl at just the right time. This girl could know about him or she could not. Either way he had to win her over before . . . bring up the truth. Or maybe he could get her to forgive him without knowing she really was. Either way, this was going to suck. [centre]~~Early the next Morning~~[/centre] It was maybe 7:30 when the girl finally left her apartment, she slipped into her car and looked over at the coffee shop her turn single disappear before coming into the coffee shop parking lot. Kaden made sure to lower himself into his seat to not seem off. She parted on the side of the coffee shop and Kaden got out of his car. He could see her closer now. She was pretty much like her grandmother had been. Holding that innocent vibe that just beamed from her looks. Walking in after her, letting the door ring he glanced around. It was pretty full of regulars. He knew this spot was a nice place for those heading to work and the older people who liked to sit and read the paper having nothing better to do. Stepping in line behind her, he glanced up at the menu. It still wasn’t Starbucks. He was going to have to stop there later. Peeking down at her again, he felt himself tense a little. He really sure have thought this through a little better. His jaw tensed at the thought of trying that, but if this went wrong he’d have to bring up the whole mess of things and then his real plan on just keeping her in the dark would be lost. Tapping her shoulder softly, he leaned. “Hey, umm, sorry to bug you, but do you know if the coffee here is any good? I’m rather new to Louisiana and my coffee taste buds are a little picky.” He said smiling a little awkwardly. Normally his charm was a little better but this was all just strange. He felt like some crazy stalker and that was just wrong. He may not be the best of men, but he was not some crazy sicko.