[hider=Namora] [img=http://media.japanpowered.com/images/anime-black-hair.jpg] [b][Name-][/b] Karin Amsel [b][Username-][/b] Namora [b][Age-][/b] 19 [b][Ethnicity-][/b] German [b][Appearance-][/b] Height: 5’8” Weight: 116 lbs. Hair: Jet black, falls past her waist. Eyes: Blue Standing a bit taller than average, her build is lithe and graceful. Due to recent events however, she’s lost a bit of weight which threatens to land her in skinny territory. While her figure isn’t voluptuous it’s still feminine, softly curving in all the right places. Her skin is soft alabaster with creamy undertones; smooth and unblemished save for a thin scar running down the left side of her neck. Gifted with fine bone structure and high cheekbones, Karin appears to have won the genetic lottery. Large, strikingly pale blue eyes framed with long lashes dominate her oval face. Raven locks frame her face, contrasting with her pale skin as it tumbles down to her bottom. Karin prefers to keep it tied back in a loose ponytail or pinned up. [b][Sexuality-][/b] Heterosexual ________________________________________ [b][Level-][/b] 15 [b][Weapon-][/b] [url=http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/AkashaSuki/Other%20Stuff/BlazeScimitar3.jpg]Scimitar[/url] One handed curved sword - 372/1000 [b][Fighting style-][/b] Karin’s style of fighting uses her extremely high speed and reflexes to her advantage as she dodges and weaves, preferring to land hits from behind combined with dizzying combos. She coats her blade with status altering poisons and relies on debuffs to help make kills easier. Lightly armored in leather gear, she’s not built to take too many hits or long and drawn out battles. [b][Health Points-][/b] (calculated by the GM depending on your stats) [b][General Stats-][/b] • Strength - 450/1000 • Sprint - 550/1000 • Parry - 450/1000 • Shield - 1/1000 • Agility - 300/1000 • Battle Healing - 450/1000 • Perception - 100/1000 • Stealth - 1/1000 • Tracking - 1/1000 [b][Profession Stats-] [/b] • Blacksmithing - 1/1000 • Fishing - 1/1000 • Cooking - 1/1000 • Tailoring - 1/1000 • Gathering -250/1000 • Medicine mixing - 200/1000 ________________________________________ [b][Personality-][/b] Karin has never been afraid to speak her mind for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and she isn’t above tossing a snarky remark or two when the situation calls for it. The majority of her repertoire consists of sarcastic comments accompanied by a sardonic smirk or raising of an eyebrow. The occasional kind comment is thrown in there for variety, nothing more. The girl has often been called cold and emotionless. This is [s]mostly[/s] untrue. Karin has extremely selective empathy, being that she cannot bring herself to understand the ridiculous reasons which cause a great deal of upset and alarm to most people. Crying at the drop of a hat is simply annoying and a waste of the human body’s functions. Tear glands exist for the purpose of keeping one’s eyes moist to prevent them drying out, not to stream torrents of water down one’s face because of a boy’s rejection. A firm believer of independence, she absolutely loathes damsels in distress. She’s quite determined and headstrong when it comes to accomplishing tasks. Despite all appearances, Karin isn’t the most socially apt person around. She wouldn’t mind making friends if only she could stand [b]most[/b] people for more than 10 minutes at a time. It usually takes a great deal for her to take a liking towards someone and even when she does, she has little to no idea how to go about showing it. [b][Biography-][/b] Karin Amsel’s life hadn’t been particularly eventful or interesting so far. Born to a working class couple fresh out of college, she had a relatively normal; if lonely childhood. She stayed mostly out of trouble and did well enough at school. Even made a couple of close friends. There really wasn’t anything all that special about her, except for her looks. It came as no surprise to anyone when she was discovered by a scout and contracted on as a model for a local agency. This occurrence was probably the only thing which stood out in her otherwise rather mundane life. As time passed the star-struck feeling and dazzling illusions faded away, baring the bleached out and jagged edged reality of the fashion world. Karin drifted back down from her cloud of brief stardom and resumed normal life again. On her 18th birthday, she and her best friend celebrated a little too much and partied a bit harder than was wise. The job of the designated driver had been forgotten in the fun and when it was time to call it a night; they foolishly decided that one of them was sober enough to drive. A terrible car crash and one funeral later, the girls who survived realized they none of them had been sober enough. It was far too late by then, of course. Karin’s physical wounds healed over time, leaving nothing but faint scars. She’d gotten off easy. Her best friend, Sera, on the other hand had not. Losing her closest friend left emotional scars that seemed like they’d never heal. Especially since Karin’s own carelessness and stupidity had a part to play in the girl’s death. A little more than half a year passed and the girl who partied too hard had disappeared. In her place stood someone who chose to shut herself away in her apartment for the most part. She rarely ever talked to her friends or family. Karin’s parents were both workaholics at heart and they didn’t really know their daughter all too well. They had little to no idea how to snap the girl out of her depression and isolation. Self-help books were read, therapists consulted with and finally, they tried staging an intervention. The family talked it out, and quite reluctantly after much pleading, threatening and guilt tripping, Karin agreed to accept help. She was adamant against seeking out professional help but she agreed to try and get her life back on track. A few months passed and though it was still a far cry from ‘healed’, she was doing much better. Karin went out with her friends every once in a while and caught up with her studies. She still preferred to stay at home though. Somehow, she stumbled onto a marvelous way to waste time called videogames. An endless stream of choices popped up just as she cleared the first one. It was addictive and quite soon, she was hooked. Karin heard of a new and upcoming game, a VRMMO named Sword Art Online. As any game addict would do, she preordered it and excitedly awaited its arrival. After what seemed like centuries to her, it was finally released and she obtained her own copy. Karin had cleared her schedule; finished her assignments, stocked groceries and necessities, all to allow her more time to enjoy the game. Nerves tingling in excitement, she booted up the game, jumped through the many loops of configuring it and finally logged into the world of Aincrad. ________________________________________ [b][Armor-][/b] [url=http://s29.postimg.org/atoibkvhz/leatherarmor.jpg]Leather Equipment[/url] [b][Items - Consumable and Misc-][/b] • Teleport crystal - 3 • Health crystal - 2 • Potion - 8 • Antidote - 4 • Medicine crafting materials • Message record crystal • Poison flask – 3 [b][Other-][/b] Rule 7[/hider]