[b] LC taylor [/b] If we are going to do that sort of formation it would be better to do two files at 1 meter spread. With Pvt Malcolm and Shadow kat is it? Taking point. We Move to the Comms room first. Priority is to get communications back or atleast Security Camera functions back online as they appear to be Dead" He looked around and realized that Nate was talking." Right i meant no offence by calling you a decker. its what my file said you were" Standing up and taking the safety of his Gun LC Taylor Looked down the passageway, "Right Lets get this show on the road, Are we agreed on this? you fall behind you stay behind unless you can catch up. No heroics" Taylor didn't give anytime to answer that. he didn't care, he wanted to get this mission started properly and now was as good as time as any. He Let the others Fall in front with him and that PMC At the rear.