A few months had passed since the birth of their two children, and Samsul had always made time to spend with them. He remembered what his own father had told him, and took it to heart, always placing his son and daughter before his work and duties. Them along with Anastasia meant the world to him, and always came first before anything else. As the sun shined into their room, Samsul woke slowly to s surprisingly quiet Marcus and Alexandra. He knew that they were still there since he could hear their soft and quiet snores, but they weren't screaming or yelling yet at this point in the day. Getting out of bed to check on them, Samsul circled around the bed and made his way over to the crib, where both of his children were laying asleep. He smiled softly at them and looked down at them for a moment before walking back to the bed and laying down with his wife, sure that the children were asleep and okay.