[quote=babbysama] Thank goodness, I was beginning to worry about this RP :/ Also, may I make a suggestion? I was thinking that when the IC goes up, we could make a Chatzy to communicate with each other a bit more easily. And since we can't possibly ask you all the questions we have about the setting, you could make a PiratePad to put some info about the setting to inform our RP'ing. Just a suggestion ^_^ [/quote] Oh, please don't worry. Sicarius and I are still working to get everything in motion. It's just that the last three weeks have been intense for me and it seems that this activity isn't going to disperse or even slow until sometime in June. I like these ideas, we'll talk about it more when the IC goes up. As to Zeropathic. Sicarius is going to reply to your questions rather soon. At his request (requests, actually, I just keep forgetting) I've changed Western Vallake to its true name. Worsenth. I'll shoot you some stuff on the Yildeanic Faith (unless Sicarius covers this, as well) when I get some time. This information will be directly relative to your character's knighthood status and perhaps history. EDIT: Rushed Morben's CS to completion (omitting a HUGE section of his history, but that'll be explained IC at some point) and I've decided to leave Endaran incomplete, due to the fact that he's more of a plot device than a character (well, so far as you guys are concerned). This frees me up to work solely on the IC. I am much better (and I daresay much faster) at doing in-character stuff than writing out information. Hahahah.